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Growth Mindset Extension Activities

Growth Mindset: Extend Your Thinking

Below are some optional activities you can do to deepen your understanding of growth mindset. Your teacher may also ask you to do one of these to show your understanding of the unit.

Learn about it:

A 5th-grader explains how growth mindset has helped him develop the mindset of a champion:
Khan Academy video wrapper
Learn the difference between growth vs. fixed mindset:
Khan Academy video wrapper

Read about it:

There are a lot of books that feature growth mindset. Ask your local librarian for some suggestions. Below are a few recommendations to get you started.
  • What Do You Do With a Chance? by Kobi Yamada
  • Jabari Jumps by Gaia Cornwall
  • Emmanuel’s Dream by Laurie Ann Thompson
  • Hana Hashimoto, Sixth Violin by Chiere Uegaki

Talk about it:

Discuss with a friend, a group, or an adult:
  • What’s something you have a fixed mindset about? Why do you feel that way?
  • Can you think of a time where you practiced or kept trying something difficult? What happened?
  • Who is someone you look up to or admire? What qualities do they have that make you like them? How do you think they got that way?
Practice good listening skills-- be sure to ask your partner these questions too!

Write about it:

  • Illustrate and write a graphic novel or picture book that shows a character using a growth mindset to overcome a challenge.
  • Think of someone you know who has been working hard to achieve a goal (it could even be you). Write a letter encouraging them not to give up. Tell them about how their brain is getting stronger to help with their goals.
  • Write and illustrate a brochure explaining what growth mindset is and why it’s important.
  • Think about a book or story you’ve read in which the characters show (or don’t show) a growth mindset. Write an essay explaining how their mindset impacted the story.

Act on it

What is something you've always wanted to learn to do? Start working towards that goal. Keep a diary as you practice and learn so that you can keep track of your progress to your goals.

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