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The living seas: Unit vocab review

Take a moment to review the unit vocab before taking your quiz!
Here are the words you'll see on your unit vocab quiz:

Contaminate (verb) to make something dirty or unsafe

Conserve (verb) to keep something safe; to protect a natural resource

Crisis (noun) a tipping point; a very dangerous period or situation

Debris (noun) trash, remnants of broken things

Develop (verb) to grow larger or more complex; to build or improve

Ecosystem (noun) everything (both living things and nonliving things) that are found in a specific environment

Encounter (verb) to unexpectedly meet with someone or something; to come face-to-face with something

Innovative (noun) coming up with new ideas or approaches; inventive

Maintain (verb) to keep something the same; to provide support for something

Resource (noun) money; minerals, land, or other useful things

Sanctuary (noun) a place to hide and be safe; a place of protection for humans or animals

Significant (adjective) important; worth paying attention to; a large amount

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