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Lesson summary: The limitations of GDP

In this lesson summary review and remind yourself of the key terms and concepts about the limitations of GDP.

Lesson overview

Alas, nothing is perfect. And GDP is no exception. As much as economists like to use GDP as a measure of output, or even as a measure of a country’s well being, GDP has some limitations when trying to answer those questions. GDP leaves out some production in an economy, such as the squash your mom might grow in the backyard, or other non-marketed goods. Even though GDP is frequently used to capture the wellbeing of a society, it was never intended to do that, and as a result it leaves out important aspects of well-being like pollution or even happiness.

Key terms

Key Termsdefinition
quality of life(sometimes called “well-being”) the standard of health, happiness, security, and material comfort of an individual, a group of people, or a nation
non-market transactionseconomic activity that takes place in the informal sector (from babysitting, to lawn mowing, to illegal drug sales), sometimes called the gray market or the black market economy; non-market transactions are not recorded, taxed, or officially monitored by the government. Because of this, the output and income generated is not included in the calculation of a nation’s GDP.
income inequalitywhen a disproportionate share of a nation’s income is earned by a small minority of households; for example, when the top 10% of households earn 80% of the total income in a country, there is a high degree of income inequality; GDP does not account for income distribution in any way.
sustainabilitythe ability of a system to endure indefinitely into the future; an increase in GDP will only be sustainable as long as it does not deplete natural resources too rapidly nor exploit the environment in a way that diminishes the quality of life of the nation’s households over time.
economic badsany outcome from economic activity that creates negative value for society, such as air pollution from cars that harms human health and the environment; unsustainable economic growth may diminish the quality of life of a nation’s people.
real GDP per capitathe real gross domestic product of a nation, divided by the nation’s population; this measure is an indication of the average income of a nation’s people
depreciation of capitalthe decrease in the value of a nation’s capital stock over time; GDP accounts for investment in new capital but does not subtract the lost value of depreciated capital. Because of this, GDP may overstate the amount of economic activity in nations with rapidly depreciating capital stocks.
Human Development Index (HDI)a composite measure of nation’s social and economic development developed by the United Nations that includes measures of health, wealth, and education
Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI)a measure of a nation’s quality of life that includes the income and output measured by gross domestic product. This measure subtracts out the costs of negative effects related to economic growth such as crime, environmental degradation, resource depletion, and the costs of climate change. GPI nets the positives and negatives of economic activity to provide a more accurate measure of a nation’s quality of life than GDP alone.
Happy Planet Index (HPI)a measure of a nation’s quality of life that includes survey results on happiness, life expectancy at birth, the degree of inequality across society, and the ecological footprint

Key takeaways

The limitations of GDP

GDP is a useful indicator of a nation’s economic performance, and it is the most commonly used measure of well-being. However, it has some important limitations, including:
  • The exclusion of non-market transactions
  • The failure to account for or represent the degree of income inequality in society
  • The failure to indicate whether the nation’s rate of growth is sustainable or not
  • The failure to account for the costs imposed on human health and the environment of negative externalities arising from the production or consumption of the nation’s output
  • Treating the replacement of depreciated capital the same as the creation of new capital
Alternative indicators have been developed to provide a more well-rounded measure of a nation’s quality of life by different national and international organizations. These include:
  • The Human Development Index (HDI)
  • The Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI)
  • The Happy Planet Index (HPI)
Each of these indexes is a composite measure weighing both income and non-income variables such as life expectancy, literacy rates, environmental indicators, measures of inequality and so on. By including these variables, they provide a measure of life quality that goes beyond the narrowness of a nation’s GDP value.

Common misperceptions

  • Some people mistakenly think a higher income (and larger GDP) is correlated with a higher quality of life and more happiness, but only up to a certain income level. Some studies have actually found that beyond a certain income level, additional increases in income are no longer correlated with higher quality of life. Instead, other, non-income factors (such as the equity of income distribution and access to education and health-care) are more closely correlated with a happier, healthier society.
  • Some of the poorest countries in the world may actually appear poorer than they really are if we only consider their official GDP figures. If a large percentage of the workforce is employed in the informal sector, then their incomes will not be reflected in the nation’s GDP. As a result, the nation’s GDP will appear smaller than it would be if all economic activity were included.

Discussion questions

  1. Do higher incomes and more output always equal a higher quality of life for the people experiencing such growth? Explain.
  2. Under what circumstances would an increase in a nation's average income not lead to an increase in the income of the typical, median household?
  3. Choose an alternative measure of well-being and describe what it includes.

Want to join the conversation?

  • leafers seed style avatar for user Allan
    Discussion Question 1: Higher incomes and more output does not always equal a higher quality of life for the people experiencing such growth. For example, if more cars own cars, although the peoples' quality of life might be better, there might be more pollution in the air, affecting their health.

    Discussion Question 2: If the top 10% of wealthy peoples' incomes go up, that would increase the nation's average income but not increase the income of the typical, median household.

    Discussion Question 3: Happy Planet Index (HPI) is a measure of a nation’s quality of life that includes survey results on happiness, life expectancy at birth, the degree of inequality across society, and the ecological footprint
    (12 votes)
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  • old spice man blue style avatar for user Liam Mullany
    Surely depreciation of capital is more a symptom of low growth rather than something that needs to be measured by GDP? In a growing economy, depreciating capital is replaced. This doesn't have to be directly, it can be replaced with newer technology or by the firm expanding into more profitable sectors. However, I would think that if GDP is increasing, capital investment will be being renewed, and vice versa. Thoughts?
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    • starky tree style avatar for user melanie
      Depreciation of capital is a symptom of the fact that things wear down. Whether an economy is growing or not, equipment wears out. Economic growth means that not only is equipment that is wearing out is being replaced, but even more equipment is being added on top of that replacement.
      (11 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user jonny12
    1. Higher incomes will not always equal a higher living standards because it highly depends on where you are spending your money and which tax bracket you are in. For example if 30% of your £50,000 annual income is spent on just taxes and an extra 15% is spent on necessity, then you barely got anything left to pay rent on time let alone buy yourself some normal or luxury goods. More outputs will also have the adverse effect on a nation if those goods and services are being purchased too quickly or they are being produced with a neglect on the environment.

    2) If majority of the nation's wealth is held by the top 5% earners, then an increase in a nation;s average income will not lead to an increase in the income of the typical, median household.

    3) An alternative measure of wellbeing would be the MPI. This is an international measure of acute multidimensional poverty covering over 100 developing countries. It complements traditional monetary poverty measures by capturing the acute deprivations in health, education, and living standards that a person faces simultaneously.
    (5 votes)
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  • old spice man blue style avatar for user Simbarashe Mawere
    Aren't all the indices(indexes) like measures of economic development, not GDP and hence why would they be taken as limitations?
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Kenya Melendez
    Why are household production and the underground economy not included GDP calculations?  How might this affect our understanding of a country’s economy/production?
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  • blobby green style avatar for user chooten1980
    If a country buys let's say the bobbleheads from Japan, that would not be included in GDP. But when a company sells those products is that included in GPD since it would be consumption by a household
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  • male robot donald style avatar for user Shisui
    1. Higher income, initially, does lead to an increase in life. Especially if a country was poor in the past, a rise in income will allow them to buy better or more good and services for a better life, like being able to afford education from more reputable institutions and so on. However, this is assuming higher income is for all or at least most of the population and also assuming the fact that those goods actually do I prove life.

    2. When this increase is strictly confined to the top elite class. Meaning only the top % receive an income increase.

    3.HDI Human development of index which looks into data like life expectancy, literacy rate and other non-income factors to measure the well being of the populace.
    (1 vote)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Norman Southey
    How come the summary includes many key terms which have never been mentioned in previous lessons? Such as "real GDP", "Human Development Index", "Genuine Progress Indicator", "Happy Planet Index"
    (1 vote)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Pham  Viet Giang
    Can sb explain what is depreciation of capital please and maybe an example
    (1 vote)
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    • starky tree style avatar for user MUYOUMUDENG
      Depreciation of capital refers to the decline in value of physical assets over time due to wear and tear, age, or obsolescence. For example, if a company buys a delivery truck for $50,000 with a useful life of ten years, it would depreciate by $5,000 annually using straight-line depreciation. This annual expense reflects the truck's decreasing value and is recorded on the income statement, reducing taxable income, while accumulated depreciation is deducted from the asset's value on the balance sheet. Depreciation impacts economic measurements, as it is subtracted from GDP to calculate Net Domestic Product (NDP), providing a clearer picture of an economy's sustainable production level by acknowledging the reduction in value of capital goods. Understanding depreciation helps businesses plan for future investments and offers a more accurate measure of economic activity.
      (1 vote)
  • starky tree style avatar for user MUYOUMUDENG
    1. While higher incomes and increased output can improve quality of life by providing more resources and opportunities, they don't guarantee it. Quality of life is multi-faceted and includes aspects like:
    Health: Access to quality healthcare, low pollution levels, and a healthy lifestyle.
    Education: Availability and quality of education.
    Environment: Clean air, water, and safe living conditions.
    Social Services: Availability of social safety nets and community services.
    Equality: Fair distribution of wealth and opportunities.
    Without improvements in these areas, higher incomes and more output may not translate to a better quality of life.
    2. Income Inequality: If the income growth is disproportionately going to the wealthiest individuals, the average income might rise while the median income remains stagnant.
    Regional Disparities: If economic growth is concentrated in specific regions, the national average can increase without benefiting all areas.
    Sector-Specific Growth: If growth is confined to industries that don't employ a large population share, many people might not see income increases.
    Inflation: If the cost of living increases faster than income, real income for the median household may not improve.
    Underemployment: Even if more jobs are created, they might be part-time or low-paying jobs that don't significantly raise household incomes.
    3. no idea...
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