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Money creation in a fractional reserve system

Most people assume that the government prints money, and that is how money is created. That is not entirely true. Watch this video to find out the role that banks play in the creation of the money supply.

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  • spunky sam blue style avatar for user abdullah babor
    () why Sal multiplied 1000 by (1/1-0.9)?
    Please let me know.
    (3 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user rahman.saif.ca
    Let's say a new Private bank established and I went to the Bank (the first customer) and deposited 1000 USD. The bank Lent out 900 to borrower (as the reserve requirement is 10%) after the day I went to the bank's ATM and withdrawn 1000, the question is, how did they (bank) managed to pay me back my 1000 thousand while they have only 100 in reserve? Did they borrow that 900 more from the central bank or Fed?
    (4 votes)
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    • ohnoes default style avatar for user Noah L.
      In reality, banks would pull money from their reserves to pay you back your 1000 USD. You aren't the only customer at the bank: banks have many customers! Many customers put their money in banks, and that money is put into reserves or loaned out.
      Also, the US has the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which insures deposits and examines and provides oversight on financial institutions. Loans also actually create deposits for banks, but this does not happen in our economic models.
      Now, with your simplistic and specific scenario, I would argue that by the next day more customers with more money would have deposited enough money so that you could still give you your money back. With this, if that was not possible, the FDIC insures your deposits, so you would still get your money that you withdrawal.
      (4 votes)
  • marcimus pink style avatar for user savannah solei sanchez
    So, let's say we have a new central bank lending 10 million of a currency to a normal bank. How can the normal bank pay the interest, if it holds all the currency available? Or how can 100 banks with each 10 million of currency lent by the central bank pay back the interest if there is no base money available?
    (4 votes)
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  • cacteye yellow style avatar for user Br Paul
    , if the Federal Reserve creates more money to pay you back, wouldn't the value of a dollar go down? When you put your money in the bank, including inflation from creating more money, you would technically be putting in $998 (or something like that), right?
    (4 votes)
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  • old spice man green style avatar for user Don Spence
    How do we account for the original $1000 that we loaned the government? Do we subtract that from the $10000 end result? It was money to begin with.
    (2 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user sugarmama5kids
    am please correct me if I am wrong
    A commercial bank has deposit liabilities of $100,000, their current reserves are $37,000, and they have required reserve ratio of 20%.

    1. How much additional money can this single commercial bank loan out?
    Reserve ratio = banks required reserves/check-able deposits liabilities
    Actual reserves -required reserves = excess reserves
    required reserves= 0.20 x 100,000=20,000
    Excess reserves=37,000-20,000=$17,000
    The commercial bank can thus lend out an additional $17,000
    The calculated value of availability of loan for a single bank is equal to $17,000
    Therefore, the bank has 17,000 left over to loan

    2. How much new money can be created in the banking system if this specific bank increased their loans?

    Increasing money = excess reserve x 1/required reserve ratio
    Total loan = availability of loan x 1/required reserve ratio
    17000 x 1/0.20 = 85,000
    The calculated value of total loan creation is equal to $85,000
    (2 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Carla MacDonald
    There's an error here, I think...unless I heard wrong. To calculate max money created, you use the initial excess reserves amount which is $900, not $1000 and multiply that by the MM.
    (1 vote)
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Video transcript

- [Instructor] Let's say, for some reason, you had lent the government $1,000, and so the government has given you a formally issued piece of paper that says, "Hey, we, the government, owe you $1,000." This is issued by the Treasury. This could be a Treasury bond. It could be a T-Bill of some kind. And let's say that the Federal Reserve, the central bank is interested in inserting money into our system. So let's say this is the Federal Reserve right over here. Federal Reserve. And so what they do is they create $1,000 of Federal Reserve Notes, what we associate as paper money, and they pay it to you and they buy the Treasury, so the Treasury goes to the Federal Reserve from you. And so, in an exchange, you get this newly created money that the Federal Reserve just created. So, there you go. You have, this is $1,000. Now, what would you likely do with that $1,000? Well, it might not be safe to walk around town with your pockets bulging like that, so a lot of folks would deposit it into a bank. So let's think about what would happen to the bank's balance sheet. So, you go to the Bank A and I'm just gonna think about what was the balance sheet, the pre-existing balance sheet for the bank, but let's just think about what happens to its assets and its liabilities when you make the deposit. A for assets, L for liabilities. If you deposit those thousand dollars, then your assets for the bank is going to get $1,000 in reserves, but you didn't just give them the money. They have a liability to you. You should have a checkable deposit account now, so we could say checking account. So now, you have a $1,000 checking account which you would use an asset for yourself but it's a liability for the bank. At any time, you could come and ask for that thousand dollars. $1,000 checking account and this would be for you. Now, we've already spent several videos talking about fractional-reserve lending and there's two ways we can conceptualize it as we've seen in those videos but I'm gonna go with the simpler version of fractional-reserve lending. And so this bank says, "Look, we are in a world "where our reserve requirement," I will do a reserve requirement. This actually is a typical reserve requirement. The reserve requirement in this country is 10%, which says that the bank only has to keep 10% of these cash reserves and then it could loan out the rest, and so it does that. That's its business model or a significant part of its business model. And so, what it does is instead of having $1,000 in reserves, it keeps 10%, so it keeps $100, and it loans out the rest. And so, it loans out $900. So, it's loaning out now $900 to someone else, hopefully someone who is good for the money, who maybe they're gonna invest it into their business or they're going to buy a house, or whatever else. Now once again, the bank just didn't give them the money. In exchange, they get an asset, which is an IOU from that person. That person owes the bank money. They owe them $900. So, we could say that in exchange for giving 'em that cash, they're going to have a $900 loan on their balance sheet as an asset. Now once again, the person that they lent the money to, the loan would be a liability, they owe the money, but for the bank, that's an asset. "Hey, someone owes me, the bank, $900." But then what's this person going to do? Well once again, their pocket's are gonna bulge quite as much but they still might not wanna walk around town with $900 in their pocket, so they are likely to deposit in a bank and they could deposit it in Bank A or they could deposit it in another bank. Let's call it very creatively, Bank B, all right (chuckles). So, Bank B, same exercise. I think you might see where this is going, so its assets, its liabilities. And so they go and they deposit this $900, so you have $900 right over there. And the corresponding liability, that person then give the money to the bank, that person can demand that money at any point from the bank, and so you have a $900 checking account, checking account. And that person would drop on that checking account to buy the machinery for their business or whatever else. But once again, we have a 10% reserve requirement, which says that the bank only has to keep 10% of that, and so their business model is they do only keep 10% of it and then the rest of it, they loan out. So, they loan out $810. It could be a loan or it could be multiple loans altogether. And I think you see where this is going. So, this is lent out to someone else, so now we have $810, which can then be deposited in another bank, Bank C. They can lend out 90% of that and that process keeps going on and on and on and on. So, an interesting question is given this infusion of a thousand dollars and given this reserve requirement, how much total money has been created? Well, in one other videos, we talk about the multiple measures of the money supply. When the Federal Reserve put this $1,000, a Federal Reserve Notes into circulation, they increased the monetary base by $1,000, but one measure of the monetary supply is, well, what are the Federal Reserve Notes, the coins, and the paper money that's in circulation, plus the amount of checkable deposits, and we talk about that in other videos as M1. And so, our M1 over here, what's it gonna be? Well, this person has a thousand dollar checking account, $1,000 checking out, they think they have $1,000 that they can write checks against and they do. And this person has a $900 checking account, $900 checking out. And then this person right over here that when they deposit their money, they're gonna think they have an $810 checking account. They have that. And then that process, they're gonna go on and on and on and on. Someone else, when this $810 gets deposited, the bank's gonna lend out 90% of that. That person's gonna think they have that amount of money. And so what we do is we're just multiplying by .9 every time. We're multiplying by one minus the reserve requirement every time. And we've done the mathematics on this multiple times. This is going to be equal to $1,000, the initial amount that was put into the monetary base, times one over one minus 0.9 and that is just going to be equal to $1,000 times one over 0.1 or you could just view this as one over the reserve requirement. It just happened to be 0.1 in this example. Reserve requirement. And you could do the math on what that's going to be. One divided by 1/10 is going to be 10, and so our M1 money supply that has been created in this very simple example is going to be equal to 10 times the thousand dollars, so it's gonna be equal to $10,000. So, big picture. When the monetary base is increased by a certain amount, if you know the reserve requirement and if you assume that all the banks minimize their reserves, that they keep only the 10%, they don't keep 11% or 12% or 20%, then what this calculation is gonna show you is what is going to be the maximum effect on M1 given that infusion into the monetary base. And all it is is the amount that was infused times one over the reserve requirement.