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  • leaf blue style avatar for user Anthony Jacquez
    How many energy points to you get from making a program that passes the evaluation?
    (51 votes)
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  • leaf red style avatar for user BGG
    I'm sorry if this is an obvious question, but I need to know if I'm going to do Project Evaluations. What is incorrect logic and syntax? How can I recognize it?
    (33 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Stephen Waltz
    I've evaluated several projects where it was obvious the student had gotten stuck, often on a syntax error. My first thought was that they should have requested help, but then perhaps they already had and had hoped for a quicker response by submitting for evaluation. I'm guessing evaluation requests may indeed get better response. On the other hand, that response is limited to the 1 person who accepts the request. Is submitting a project for evaluation a reasonable and effective way to get help? If so, I'd prefer to see a comment in the program requesting help and have seen that in a few.
    (37 votes)
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    • old spice man green style avatar for user Josh (SpongeJr)
      I believe the way the system was intended to be used, is that the Help Request feature should be used if you're stuck. I have a couple different lines of text that I occasionally paste into evaluations, one of them is:
      Re-do the lesson or lessons if you need to and see if you can make the required changes. If you're stuck, you can ask for help from the community with the Help Request feature. Good luck!

      (and I have a couple others for other situations where I mention the Help Request feature).
      That's after the fact, of course, but I thought I'd mention it.

      You do make a very interesting point in a way, in that the Help Request feature is, at the moment, designed to be used for a variety of things, from things like, "How might I improve upon my (already working) program?" to "Help! I'm completely stuck and can't learn because I don't understand loops!".

      I've had a section of my brain dedicated to trying to figure out a better organization for Help Requests/Tips & Thanks/Questions in the computing section for months now. I'm trying to think of changes that would take an absolute minimum of developer time for the KA staff to implement, and that would cause an absolute minimum amount of confusion in the community.

      Your question and ideas have helped connect some ideas I've been bouncing around in my head... thanks!

      (edit: sorry for rambling there, I guess the short answer is: "They should probably be using the Help Requests to get project help most efficiently, in my opinion.")
      (11 votes)
  • leaf green style avatar for user meepithmancer
    How can I download this environment for my own uses? I'd like to make a program, not for commercial use, if that helps, but be able to access it outside of KA, and offline.
    (11 votes)
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  • ohnoes default style avatar for user Dorian Carter
    i have been doing a lot of code, and i was wondering how to make and post videos so i can help others. I want to be able to make my own but i cant find out how, please help!
    (6 votes)
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    • starky tree style avatar for user Jordan
      You could try to make a video out of an animation. You would need a timer variable that keeps track of the time. You would make scene functions and then you could put the scenes in order by using the timer variable. This is kind of vague but if you need further help, feel free to ask more!
      (11 votes)
  • female robot ada style avatar for user Sophie Peto
    how do you add a new program?
    (7 votes)
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  • male robot johnny style avatar for user Absaar Uz Zaman
    Can we make better games with a lot of upgrades and levels using this software on KhanAcademy? I mean can we make a big game here?
    (7 votes)
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  • duskpin tree style avatar for user Nicholas
    Why do some people answer help requests in comments?
    (5 votes)
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    • starky ultimate style avatar for user D Bear
      When a help request is posted, it goes to https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming/projectfeedback under the "Unanswered" tab so people will see it and hopefully answer it. When someone answers a help request, it gets moved from the "Unanswered" tab to the "Answered" tab. Once a help request is under the "Answered" tab, its chances of being answered again are significantly decreased. But if someone adds a comment to an unanswered help request, it does not get moved to the "Answered" tab and it still appears unanswered. Some people will answer a help request as a comment if their answer may not be complete or satisfactory, so that the request stays under the "Unanswered" tab. Sometimes even you will see a help request that asks specifically for answers to go into the comments just so the request will stay unanswered. In short, unanswered help requests are more likely to be answered than answered help requests.
      (6 votes)
  • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user The Three Who Tried
    I can't find the project evaluations anymore, after the re-design. Can someone help me?
    (5 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user sparsha
    I was going through help requests but I did not know the answer to one question. What should I do?
    (2 votes)
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    • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user AD Baker

      No worries! You are not obligated to answer every question. Share the knowledge that you have.

      Keep checking the questions. There are a lot of new ones every day. Eventually, you will find questions to which you do know the answer.
      (4 votes)

Video transcript

- [Voiceover] One of the best ways to learn is to teach others. When you have to explain something to someone else, it helps you understand it better yourself. You'd help one of the thousands of new students learning programing here at Khan Academy. Each of them could benefit from the knowledge that you now have. We have three big ways that you can help and I'll go through them now. Throughout this intro course, you've had both challenges and projects. The challenges are automatically graded by Hopper where the projects are more free-form and creative, so they're not so easy to automatically grade. Instead, we have actual people do the evaluations, people just like you who know how to program and want to help others. If you'd like to evaluate projects, just head over to the homepage and click project feedback. You'll find the evaluation request half way down the page and you can choose to evaluate your favorite projects or just go from the top. When you evaluate, you'll be shown a rubric and you need to decide if a project meets the objective or not. If it doesn't, you can give them ideas for ways they can meet the objective. The projects are an interim process. The student gets to keep working on them until they meet the objectives. So evaluations help them understand what they need to improve. At the end of the evaluation, you can leave any comments. And that's a great place to say nice things and encourage them to keep going with programming. And hey, if you're really impressed with a project, vote it up. We're amazed by some of the crazy, cool things that you all do in your projects. Sometimes when you're programming something, you get stuck. Maybe you can't figure out how to draw spaghetti with that crazy bezier function or you can't get Winston to bounce across the screen just right. At times like that, you can click request help and ask the community for help. If you want to try to answer help requests like that, just go to the computer programming homepage and click project feedback. You'll see the most recent help requests at the top and you can browse through it til you find one that fits your expertise. And hey, you can still request help on your own programs. We definitely believe that teachers can be students and students can be teachers all at the same time. You might also find that you can learn a lot from just reading other people's answers to help requests. To do that, just click the answer tab to see the ones already answered. And you can just read that for hours. Remember when you're watching the talk-throughs and you had a question, maybe you look through the questions to add to see if somebody else had the same question, maybe you even asked it yourself and hopefully somebody answered. Now you can help those people asking questions. Just go to the computer programming homepage and click community questions and you can browse through all the most recently asked questions to find one that you think you have an answer for. So there you go, lots of ways that you can help new programmers learn. And yes, you might feel like a new programmer yourself but you actually know more than 99 percent of the world does. Don't keep that knowledge to yourself.