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Programming simple simulations


The following code simulates the life cycle of a monarch butterfly.
stage ← "egg"
daysAsEgg ← 4
daysAsLarvae ← 12
daysAsPupa ← 12
daysAsAdult ← 36
daysInStage ← 0

REPEAT UNTIL (stage = "death") {
  IF (stage = "egg" AND daysInStage ≥ daysAsEgg) {
    stage ← "larvae"
    daysInStage ← 0
  IF (stage = "larvae" AND daysInStage ≥ daysAsLarvae) {
    stage ← "pupa"
    daysInStage ← 0
  IF (stage = "pupa" AND daysInStage ≥ daysAsPupa) {
    stage ← "adult"
    daysInStage ← 0
  IF (stage = "adult" AND daysInStage ≥ daysAsAdult) {
    stage ← "death"
    daysInStage ← 0
  daysInStage ← daysInStage + 1
Which details are excluded from this simulation?
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