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LearnStorm Growth Mindset: Dave Paunesku introduces growth mindset

Dave Paunesku is the founding director the Project for Education Research that Scales (PERTS). PERTS is a Stanford University center is building on Carol Dweck's research on Growth Mindset. The center focuses on bridging the gap between research and practice by translating research findings into practical solutions.

Listen to Dave share ways to cultivate a growth mindset in your classroom.


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  • orange juice squid orange style avatar for user woodrow
    How do we change the mindset of the general public from the idea of wrong is bad and right is good to something of the growth mindset type?

    As an adult learner I am faced with the knowledge that asking questions that others perceive as simple shows a weakness in my abilities. This is especially true when asking questions on an open media platform like stack exchange, YouTube, and other sources like forums. This perceived weakness could negatively affect a potential recruiter from hiring me or others asking other rather simple questions or rather frankly being openly wrong.

    At least teaching the next generations to embrace the growth mindset is a valiant step in the direction to alleviate this burden on future humanity.
    (22 votes)
    Default Khan Academy avatar avatar for user
  • blobby green style avatar for user harsh.singh146708
    smajh nhi aya sahi se samjhao
    (2 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Zion Jenkins
    How do u do that in the class room
    (1 vote)
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    • blobby green style avatar for user maysen
      Growth Mindset needs to be thought about like a muscle. Sometimes on an assignment I get anxious in my answer and don't to ask for help. However keeping the Growth mindset in mind I can reassure myself that moving forward I can only control how I understand the material and can use questions to better formulate dialogue to further my understanding on the subject. For example I can ask a question on this forum or go to my schools tutoring center for help!
      (1 vote)
  • blobby green style avatar for user FredericF
    I do not not understand.
    (0 votes)
    Default Khan Academy avatar avatar for user

Video transcript

- I'm Dave Paunesku, and I'm the executive director of PERTS which is the Project for Education Research That Scales. It's a center at Stanford University. PERTS makes a variety of resources that help educators learn about the science of motivation. And we do that in order to help educators inspire all of their students to learn fearlessly. When students have a growth mindset, when they're thinking in a growth mindset, they're really thinking of their abilities as something that they can grow, something like a muscle. Something that they can grow over time by investing their effort into the right strategy. When students are thinking in a fixed mindset, they tend to think of their abilities as something fixed, something like eye color, something they really can't change about themselves. When students are thinking in a growth mindset, they're doing I think two things that are really helpful, that'll ultimately help them be more successful, that'll help them be more motivated. One is that they're viewing challenges really as opportunities to grow their abilities. That means they're much less likely to be discouraged if they encounter something that's challenging. In contrast, they might be more likely to seek out challenges, and research shows that, in fact, when students are thinking in a growth mindset, they're more likely to seek out more challenging work. The second piece is that they realize that if they're really stuck on something, then the key to doing that, one, might be to persist, but two, and just as important, is to switch up the strategies they're using. Maybe to seek out help from someone. And if they're thinking in a growth mindset they're gonna be less likely to be worried that if they need help that means that they're not smart enough to succeed. Instead they'll understand that their teachers and their peers are there to help them grow and develop as learners. So through the Learnstorm activities, we're really trying to arm teachers with a bunch of activities that will help them and their students learn together about the science of learning and the science of growth mindset that will help them engage in important kinds of self reflection. And different kinds of activities that could help kinda really reinforce those ideas over the course of Learnstorm. But then also kinda create a model, a scaffold, and an approach toward self reflection and thinking about learning, and about growth mindset. That could then be kinda revisited throughout the year to really reinforce these ideas. And to remind students to keep going and keep growing.