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How should I talk to Khanmigo?

Students who explain to Khanmigo what they're thinking usually get better results.

What should I say?

Lots of students love how Khanmigo never makes them feel bad for asking a question. All questions are welcomed, and no question is too simple or too small.
You can say pretty much anything—Khanmigo is always there to help you learn. Just ask!

Power phrases

You'll get the best out of Khanmigo if you lean into your conversations, and talk to it like you're talking to a super caring, super friendly human tutor.
It's your job as a student to get the help you need by explaining your thinking! Here are some examples of good things to say:
  • "Can you explain this in simpler terms?"
  • "Can you talk to me in Spanish?"
  • “I understand how to do X but can you help me with Y?”
  • “Can we work through it from the beginning step by step?”
  • “I’m having trouble with <<specific concept or step>>. Can you help with that?”
  • “What does <<word/skill/step>> mean again?”
  • "I forgot how to do this. Can you please remind me?"
  • "What do I need to know how to do to solve this problem?"
  • "What kinds of questions can I use this same strategy for?"
  • "I tried X. Am I on the right track?"

Explain your thinking

Help-seeking is a key skill that will support your success in school and beyond. Human tutors can't read your mind, and neither can Khanmigo. The more specific and detailed you can be when you're chatting with Khanmigo, the better!
Your curiosity and extra effort will be rewarded with a better learning experience.
Good luck!

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