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Welcome to Financial Literacy!

UPDATE: Our Financial Literacy course now has new units on loans, insurance, investments, and more to supplement the initial two units from December 2022! We're continuously growing and improving, so stay tuned for even more content.

This course is a work-in-progress. More units coming soon.

Welcome to Financial Literacy!

This course is designed to help you better understand the financial world around you. The objectives of this course are to help you:
  • understand basic financial concepts
  • develop good budgeting habits
  • know how to invest your money wisely
  • feel confident in making informed financial decisions
No matter your age or background, there is always more to learn when it comes to money. This course will introduce you to a variety of topics, from budgeting to investing, and everything in between.
One of the most important things to keep in mind while taking this course is that you don't need any special skills to be financially savvy. While some concepts may seem complicated at first, you'll find that they are all based on a few key principles. We'll make sure to break down each topic in a way that is easy to understand, even if you're starting from scratch.
In addition to the articles and videos in this course, we've included a number of exercises for you to complete. These are designed to help you apply the concepts you've learned to your own life. While it's important to try to follow the suggestions as closely as possible, remember that any effort you make to improve your financial literacy is a success. By putting your knowledge into practice, you'll be able to build a stronger foundation for a financially sound future.
So, what are you waiting for? Dive in and get started on your journey to financial literacy today!

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