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Tracing idea development


In 1982, Agnes Denes created a work of art called Wheatfield - A Confrontation. The piece consisted of a two-acre wheatfield planted on the landfill used to dispose of waste created in the building of New York City’s Twin Towers. Denes intended for the field to make people think about the environment, world hunger, and the value of nature in their lives. The field was surrounded by famous landmarks like the Statue of Liberty and Wall Street, a location Denes chose to show the contrast between nature and busy city life. After the wheat was harvested, it was sent to 28 cities around the world as part of an art show called The International Art Show for the End of World Hunger. The goal of the show was to raise awareness about the global issue of hunger and the need to protect our environment.
By shifting the focus of the passage from Wheatfield to The International Art Show, the author shows how Denes ______
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