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Transform my mistakes and grow!

In order to come up with a plan on how to transform our mistakes into opportunities to grow our brains, we've split mistakes into three categories.

Slow-down opportunity

What is it?
A slow-down opportunity is an accident, a silly mistake, maybe caused by rushing your work. It's something you can fix on your own.
What can you do?
Slow down a bit, check your work a second time, and take a short break.

Practice opportunity

What is it?
A practice opportunity is a medium-size mistake; it may be something you don’t quite understand yet. But, you know where to look for better understanding.
What can you do?
Take some time to review, reflect, look at sample problems, or read the chapter again.

Feedback opportunity

What is it?
This is a bigger mistake. You can’t figure it out on your own, even when you review.
What can you do?
  • Do not allow your fixed mindset voice to take over.
  • Ask for help!
  • Reflect and revisit your learning strategy if needed.

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