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Course: LSAT > Unit 1

Lesson 10: Reading Comprehension - Worked Examples

Main point 2 | Humanities passage | Music

Watch a demonstration of one way to approach a "main point" question for a humanities passage in the reading comprehension section. Created by Dave Travis.

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- Which one of the following would be most appropriate as a title for each of the passages? So the implication here is that, a single title could convey the information, from both of the passages. Which acknowledges that these passages are pretty close to each other, in terms of what question they're trying to answer. So, let's look at these choices. We know that it's trying to explain how humans respond to music, and why they might feel that some music gives them positive feeling and other, sort of, music gives them negative feelings, based on their expectations, based on the tension, based on whether it's continuous or discontinuous. So we're looking for something that really encapsulates the question that the passages seem to be trying to answer. So let's look at A. The Biological Underpinnings of Musical Emotions. Biological Underpinnings, maybe psychological underpinnings of the generation of those emotions, but it's mot really the underpinnings either. I'm not liking A. B. The Psychology of Listener Response to Music. Now both passages definitely talk about the ways in which people respond to different kinds of music. It looks pretty good. I like B, I'm gonna keep on looking. Try to cross out the others because hopefully they won't be as good as B. Let's see what happens. C. How Music Differs from Other Art Forms. Other art forms, not mentioned. D. Cultural Patterns in Listeners Responses to Music. We haven't heard any about cultural patterns, whether something's different in one culture or another. D is not the answer. E. How Composers Convey Meaning Through Music. We have not heard anything about what composers are doing. E is not the answer. Our answer is B. So you know how a single word can make a wrong answer wrong. A single word can disqualify the entire choice. So try to find those words that just don't feel right. Maybe because they're not mentioned, or because it just doesn't accurately reflect, what you know to be true about what you just read. Trust yourself.