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Welcome to Khan for Educators

Welcome to the Khan for Educators course for teachers on Khan Academy.
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Welcome to "Khan for Educators"!

This is your gateway to mastering the use of Khan Academy as a powerful tool in your teaching journey. As educators, we understand the need for resources that are not only effective but also easy to navigate. That's where this asynchronous course comes in!
"Khan for Educators" is designed to help you explore and utilize the various features of Khan Academy, all tailored specifically for teachers. This comprehensive guide will help you navigate the platform and maximize its features.
We encourage your students to dedicate a minimum of 30 minutes each week to practice and aim to “level up” at least two skills during this period. This consistent engagement not only fosters mastery of the content but also cultivates a growth mindset and builds confidence.
Khan Academy’s practice resources are designed to support all learners. The wide range of resources found in each course can be used to support Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), aid multi-lingual learners, and provide all learners with the challenge they need to continue growing.
Khan for Educators is organized into 4 units. Dive into each of these to learn more about the platform.
  1. Getting to Know Khan Academy
  2. Using Assignments and reports on Khan Academy
  3. Supporting Student Progress with Khan Academy
  4. Introduction to Khanmigo
The platform is user-friendly and intuitive, whether you're viewing a Khan Academy exercise, video, article, or even your Teacher Dashboard. You'll find all the tools you need to succeed and make the most of your teaching experience.
One of the key features of Khan Academy is the ability to set Course and Unit Mastery Goals. These learning targets aim to provide a clear path for your student's learning journey as they reach mastery of their content.
Khan Academy also empowers you to assign content to your students. You can assign videos, articles, exercises, quizzes, unit tests, or mastery of a specific course to an entire class or specific students. This flexibility allows you to tailor your teaching to the needs of your students.
For students preparing for the SAT, Khan Academy offers a comprehensive, free, and personalized SAT prep course focused on the new digital exam. It includes thousands of practice questions, video lessons, and full-length practice tests.
At the end of the course, you can request a personalized certificate. You can share this with your certification authority to request up to three hours of PD credit.
Image of a Certificate of Completion for the Khan for Educators course.
We hope "Khan for Educators" will save you time and offer assistance in your teaching practice. We're continuously improving our tools and we value your feedback. Welcome aboard, and happy teaching!

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