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Combining like terms

Why does 2x+3x=5x?
Please take time to think about this question on your own before looking at the answers below.

Answer 1: Meaning of multiplication

Answer 2: Imagine what x might be

Answer 3: Distributive property

Practice problems

Use what you learned above to complete some practice problems.

Problem 1

5x+4x =

Problem 2

2x+4x+x =

Problem 3

8x2x =

Problem 4

2x+5y+3x =

Combining like terms

The problems you've just solved are examples of what we call combining like terms.
What are "like terms"?
In the expression 2x+5y+3x, there are three terms, but only two of them are "like terms". Like terms have the same variable part.
Like terms: 2x and 3x
Unlike terms: 2x and 5y
What does it mean to "combine" like terms?
Like terms can be "combined" by adding their coefficients (the numbers in front of the variables):

Challenge problem

Combine like terms.
z+xy+5z+3y =

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