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ACTIVITY: Unit 1 Vocab Tracking


There is a glossary of words in the Big History course that all students should know to be able to understand the course. But beyond the glossary of BHP words, there may be words that you come across in the articles and videos that you don’t know. We encourage you to keep track of both the BHP-specific words and those words you encounter that you don’t know. This repeated activity will help you become more familiar with a process for how to independently learn the meaning of new words.


Throughout the course, you’ll very likely encounter new and unfamiliar words. Use the BHP Vocab Tracker and keep all of these words, both BHP-specific and other words you don’t know, and their definitions in one place for easy reference. Any time you encounter a word you don’t know in the course, add it to this Vocab Tracker! By the end of the year, your personal lexicon will be huge, and you’ll be a better writer, and you’ll very likely be better prepared for standardized tests.

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