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Text structure: drama and prose 4


Read the passage.

A Surprise at the Sea

  1. Arianna packed up her beach towel and was about to leave the deserted beach when a gigantic green head rose from the water. The purple-eyed creature stared at Arianna.
  2. Arianna shook her head in disbelief. She rubbed her eyes and peered at the sea again—but nothing was there.
  3. I must’ve been in the sun too long, she thought, brushing the sand from her legs as she stood up to leave.
  4. Suddenly, Arianna found herself drenched in a seawater shower.
  5. The creature was back! And it looked very sad.
  6. “What’s wrong?” Arianna asked.
  7. The creature’s eyes darted to the far side of the beach. Arianna followed its gaze until she saw what it wanted—a purple and green egg. The egg, about the size of a basketball, was stuck under the bush.
  8. “Oh," said Arianna, retrieving the egg. “Here you go.”
  9. The creature made a low contented sound, put its head on Arianna, then disappeared with a big splash.
Read the sentence.
Arianna packed up her beach towel and was about to leave the deserted beach when a gigantic green head rose from the water.
How does this sentence help the reader understand the setting?
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