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Continue your mathematics journey

Learn how you can continue your mathematics journey after completing this PISA practice quiz!

Continue your mathematics journey

Mathematics is an essential part of your life skills, from managing personal finances and evaluating risks to critically assessing information in an increasingly data-driven society. Proficiency in mathematics nurtures a logical and analytical mindset, helping you to deconstruct complex problems into manageable components and devise effective strategies for resolution.
But mathematics is also an amazing way to cultivate intellectual curiosity, resilience, and a growth mindset, enriching our cognitive capacities and enriching our understanding of the world's intricate patterns and relationships.
This is why mathematics, alongside reading and science, is one of the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) key areas of assessment.
See how well students in your country did – check out the latest PISA results and read the full PISA report here.
We know that for many, learning mathematics can be tough. That’s why Khan Academy offers a series of free online courses to help you build the skills that you need to be a mathematics champion.

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