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Caravaggio, Deposition

Caravaggio, Deposition (or Entombment), c. 1600-04, oil on canvas, 300 x 203 cm (Pinacoteca Vaticana, Vatican City)
With most artists we know about their lives and personalities from biographies that friends or contemporaries wrote about them. In the case of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, however, we know about his life primarily from police records. From these accounts, we learn that he had a bad temper and could be violent, and that he was frequently arrested and imprisoned for assault. He appears on the police records for mild offenses like carrying weapons without permission, as well as more serious ones where he is involved in violent fights. He was even questioned once because he "gave offense" to a woman and her daughter—one wonders what that could mean! Ultimately, he killed a man over a bet and spent the last few years of his life on the run from the police.

The Subject

After the crucifixion, some of Christ's followers (Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea, Mary Magdalene) along with his Mother, remove Christ's body from the cross and place it in the tomb.

The Darkness (and the light)

One of the first things you might notice about Caravaggio's style, and we see it here in his painting of The Entombment, is the darkness. There's actually a word for it: tenebroso, which means dark style. Caravaggio painted this scene as though it was happening in the black of night with almost a spot-light effect on the figures (doesn't it look like a dark stage that has been illuminated with a spotlight?).
There are several things that are important about this:
There is no background—only darkness. No architecture, no landscape, and so as a result, we focus on the figures who are all located in the foreground of the painting. The spotlight effect of the lighting is very dramatic, and so we have very stark contrasts of light and dark. In other words, where modeling is usually a slow movement from light to dark, here we have very dark shadows right next to areas of bright illumination. The effect is very dramatic.

The Space

Caravaggio, detail  Deposition (or Entombment), c. 1600-04, oil on canvas, 300 x 203 cm (Pinacoteca Vaticana, Vatican City)
Everything is located very much in the foreground of the painting, very close to us in fact. Look at Christ's body—its so close we feel like we can touch it. And look at the ledge of the tomb, it is foreshortened and so it juts out into our space. And look at the elbow of the figure in orange carrying Christ's legs—it is foreshortened, too, and so it pops into our space. One of the main characteristics of Baroque art is the breakdown of the barrier between our space and the space of the painting, so we feel like we're really part of it. Baroque artists use foreshortening frequently.

The Composition

Baroque artists were also interested in movement. Here we see the moment when Christ is being lowered into his tomb. It's a process happening before our eyes—so we have a caught moment in time. We see that the figures form a diagonal line—another very common feature of Baroque art. In the High Renaissance, we saw compositions in the shape of a pyramid—a very stable shape. Here in Baroque art we see diagonals, or sometimes interlocking diagonals in the shape of an X.
Caravaggio organized the composition so that it looks like the body of Christ is being lowered right into our space, as though we were standing in the tomb. One of the most important goals of Baroque art is to involve the viewer.


Baroque art also tends to be very real—not only do the figures look "regular," but the artist is giving us a very real sense of this moment. The body of Christ looks truly dead, the figures struggle to hold the dead weight of his body and ease him down gently into his tomb.

The Figures

Christ's torso (detail), Caravaggio, Deposition
 (Entombment), c. 1600-04, oil on canvas, 300 x 203 cm (Pinacoteca Vaticana, Vatican City)
The figures are all very ordinary looking, they are not idealized at all, like the figures of the High Renaissance. Look at the figure holding Christ's legs. He almost looks like a homeless person. Look at his feet and legs—they are so ordinary looking—you can almost imagine the bottom of his feet being dirty. Even Christ looks rather like an ordinary man. They are figures we can relate to more —unlike the perfect figures of the High Renaissance.
One of my favorite things about this painting is the figure who carries Christ's shoulders. He has his arm under Christ's torso and his fingers, as they reached around Christ, slipped into the wound that he received when he was on the cross (Christ was stabbed by a Roman soldier in the ribs). This may cause us to feel squeamish—but that's the idea. Baroque art wants to get to you in your body—so you really feel it. When you know something in your mind it is one thing—but when you experience it with your body it is really different. Baroque art often wants you to have an experience that's located in your body.
Essay by Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker
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  • purple pi purple style avatar for user Keith
    So, to sum up, Baroque style is generally dark, displays action, known for its realism, and intends to exert a type of physical experience upon a viewer.

    Is this correct? I like to summarize after I read to try to incorporate the information gathered into other areas (in this case other information regarding art, styles, etc.) and memorize the important points.
    (3 votes)
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    • leaf yellow style avatar for user Danny
      I think those traits (generally dark, displays action, etc.) would describe Caravaggio and ones he influenced rather well. However, it may be more helpful to think of the Baroque as a period in time rather than a specific style.

      As the rest of the "Baroque Art" section shows, the styles vary widely from South to North as well as the art related to the Reformation and Counter-Reformation. It would be difficult to pin down a style that encompasses Caravaggio and Bernini as well as Vermeer, Rubens, Poussin and Velazquez. However, one they thing they all generally share is the same larger historical context. (For better or worse) Baroque is a rather encompassing term, that perhaps more describes art which shares a similar historical setting rather than an over arching visual style or intention.
      (8 votes)
  • mr pink orange style avatar for user ermine
    I do not quite understand why "Even Christ looks rather like an ordinary man. They are figures we can relate to more —unlike the perfect figures of the High Renaissance." and why "Baroque art often wants you to have an experience that's located in your body." Where did you get this notion?
    In my opinion, High Renaissance art is more emotionally appealing and relatable than Baroque art. I feel that the images of ideal figures involve me more physically and emotionally.
    As an analogy: slim six-pack figures in modern magazines are similar to the perfect figures of the High Renaissance. I can relate to images of these figures more than I do with photos of the real people. Why? Because these ideal figures make me want to work on my body, contemplate on my lifestyle, make me go to the gym, and improve.
    (1 vote)
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    • aqualine tree style avatar for user David Alexander
      As you relate to slim six-pack figures as you work on your body, contemplate your lifestyle and go to the gym to improve, the "ordinary man" looking Christ is one to whom I relate as a model of a simple, loving and caring divine being as I seek to work on my spirit, contemplate my lifestyle, go to prayer, and improve.
      (4 votes)
  • leaf orange style avatar for user Jeff Kelman
    What sort of "weapons" did Caravaggio "carry"?

    We read that, "...[Caravaggio] appears on the police records for mild offenses like carrying weapons without permission..."
    (2 votes)
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  • orange juice squid orange style avatar for user Hailey Koch
    why the close up pictures! My eyes 😱
    (1 vote)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user cheery.reaper15
    In the paragraph The Darkness (and the light) the observation is made that the painting looks like a dark stage illuminated by a spotlight. Given that the late 16th and early 17th centuries are noted for the flourishing of stage productions (Shakespeare, Marlow, Johnson etc.), was Caravaggio influenced by the theatre, or is it just coincidental?
    (1 vote)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user cag25426
    I find the whole concept of Baroque art very interesting. That they concept is to make the viewer physically feel what the characters are shown to experience. "He has his arm under Christ's torso and his fingers, as they reached around Christ, slipped into the wound that he received when he was on the cross (Christ was stabbed by a Roman soldier in the ribs). This may cause us to feel squeamish—but that's the idea. Baroque art wants to get to you in your body—so you really feel it. When you know something in your mind it is one thing—but when you experience it with your body it is really different. Baroque art often wants you to have an experience that's located in your body."
    (1 vote)
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