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Summary: DOM modification techniques

Modifying an existing element

We covered various ways that you can modify aspects of an existing element:

Modifying attributes

You can set an attribute on an element by setting the property of the same name. For example, to change the src of an <img>:
imgEl.src = "http://www.dogs.com/dog.gif";
In addition, you can also use the setAttribute method, like so:
imgEl.setAttribute("src", "http://www.dogs.com/dog.gif");
If you want to remove an attribute, you should do that with removeAttribute - like to remove the disabled attribute off a button, effectively enabling it:

Modifying styles

You can change styles just like how you change attributes, by accessing the style property of the element, and setting the corresponding property. For example, to change the color:
headingEl.style.color = "hotpink";
Remember to "camelCase" the multi-word CSS property names, since hyphens are not valid JS property names:
headingEl.style.backgroundColor = "salmon";

Modifying class names

To add a class to an element, you can set the className property:
mainEl.className = "warning";
That will override any existing classes, so you should do this instead if you just want to add to the list of classes:
mainEl.className += " warning";
In newer browsers, you can use the classList functionality instead:

Modifying inner HTML / text

To completely replace the contents of an element with an arbitrary string of HTML, use innerHTML:
mainEl.innerHTML = "cats are the <strong>cutest</strong>";
If you don't need to pass in HTML tags, you should use textContent instead:
mainEl.textContent = "cats are the cutest";
Generally, you should be careful when using either of these 2 properties, because they will also remove event listeners (which we teach in the next tutorial).

Creating elements from scratch

There is a whole set of functions that you can use to create entirely new elements and add them to the page.
To create a new element, use the aptly named createElement:
var imgEl = document.createElement("img");
To append it to the page, call appendChild on the target parent element:
Similarly, you can also use insertBefore, replaceChild, removeChild, and insertAdjacentHTML.

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  • piceratops ultimate style avatar for user The Space Goat
    why does JavaScript in html not seem to care about semicolons? it works fine whether i put a semicolon at the end of a line or not.
    (102 votes)
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  • starky ultimate style avatar for user FlipFloop
    is there a difference in between using window.document or document? both work, same for alert and window.alert
    (15 votes)
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  • duskpin sapling style avatar for user Ana
    In the solar system challenge I made this code:
    var divEl = document.createElement("div");
    divEl.className = "planet";
    divEl.style.backgroundColor = "orange";

    var divEl1 = document.createElement("div");
    divEl1.className = "moon";
    divEl1.style.backgroundColor = "white";

    and Warning is this:
    "Hm, are you appending the new div to the planet div you created in step 1? The moon div should be a child of the planet div in the DOM."

    I dont get what exactly have to do. To make child under the child or...? Moon appear but warning is there too! Can someone help me, please!
    (11 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Robert Baetke
    I'm confused about the content/structure of the DOM tree. If I want to add an element to it, I have to know where I am going to add it but I have no idea what the DOM tree looks like and how to reference a specific node. Is there a way to view or print it out so I can see what nodes exist?
    (5 votes)
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    • aqualine tree style avatar for user Eswag
      The DOM has the body as the trunk of the tree, with all visual elements stemming from it. Those elements are like the branches. Elements inside of those are like smaller branches or leaves.
      For example: The body is the trunk. A ul is a branch. And each li inside the ul is a leaf. Each li is a child of the ul and the ul is a child of the body.
      (10 votes)
  • leafers tree style avatar for user Squirrel Walsh
    When I need to rename things with dashes in CSS, when do I need to use camel code versus when is it ok to leave the dashes in?
    (6 votes)
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    • duskpin sapling style avatar for user  DY
      CSS properties are always defined with hyphens between words. Because you cannot have a hyphen in a JavaScript property name, you must use camelCase to access the corresponding style property in JavaScript.

      These CSS properties:
      #element {
      background-color: #f00;
      font-size: 20px;

      Correspond to these JavaScript style properties:
      var element = document.getElementById("element");
      (11 votes)
  • female robot amelia style avatar for user Arus Bakunts
    In the solar system challenge where it says to add a background to the div, should it be added in JS part? When adding to the CSS part, it works fine but keeps saying "Make sure you set the background color of the div so that the planet actually shows up.", and when I try to add it in the JS part ( like,
    var divEl = document.createElement("div");
    divEl.className = ("planet");
    divEl.style.backgroundColor = "green"; ) it does not work.
    Thank you.
    (0 votes)
    Default Khan Academy avatar avatar for user
    • blobby green style avatar for user Con Stambo
      divEl.className=("planet") is wrong - Remove the brackets surrounding "planet".

      Also did you use appendChild anywhere in your code? If not then your div will not be visible.

      Just some advice - Best thing to do if you're having trouble with the exercises is to open up another window from prior lessons that we learnt from and use it as a reference. Then do it a second time without help so you know you actually learnt it. Just keep repeating the exercises until you can do them without help.
      (22 votes)
  • duskpin ultimate style avatar for user Vanillalite
    I'm still ultimately confused why for non interactive elements we are even using DOM for this. Shouldn't we stick to using HTML and the appropriate CSS? It's cleaner and shouldn't it run faster than having to also run the javascript unless it's something interactive where we have to use DOM?
    (4 votes)
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    • old spice man blue style avatar for user Flostin(READ BIO)
      The reason you are learning to edit HTML with JavaScript is because you won't use it for silly purposes. This is just a simple way to teach it since you already know HTML. An example of using JavaScript would be to create a clock.

      The clock isn't interactive; I can't click it and have something special happen, it just has moving hands that match your computer's time. There isn't a hard rule that describes every case in which you'd need JavaScript. You will simply know when and how to use it.

      So yes, you could have just done it in HTML and CSS, but you might want to make something interactive or something that requires math. You can even make games with JavaScript!

      Good luck and happy coding!
      (8 votes)
  • purple pi purple style avatar for user Trurl
    In the Solar System challenge, what is actually going on when you create a div element? After completing the challenge (with a lot of help from reading comments and questions below) I played around with the code. The original code is this:

    var planetEl = document.createElement("div");

    var moonEl = document.createElement("div");

    So I changed some things for fun and got odd results. For example, I changed ("div") to ("body") and noticed the items changed size. I then changed it to ("span") and with the position at "relative" it became an ellipse. I sometimes find that by playing around lke this I get a more intuitive sense of what I am doing.

    Not this time.

    My point is, I don't actually understand the background logic that is going on here. I feel like the last few lessons have been a lot of "here is what you do" with no explanation of the underlying logic.
    (7 votes)
    Default Khan Academy avatar avatar for user
  • leafers tree style avatar for user Vojta Mazur
    Hello guys, I have a problem with the last challenge. Here is my code:

    var divEl = document.createElement = "div";
    divEl.className = "planet";
    divEl.style.backgroundColor = "black";

    When I try to run it, it says that JavaScript has encountered a run-time error, and in the console is says "undefined is not an object". Can someone please explain what is the problem?
    (2 votes)
    Default Khan Academy avatar avatar for user
  • blobby green style avatar for user Robert Baetke
    What's the difference between using...
    var imgEl = document.createElement("img");
    var imgEl = document.body.createElement("img");?
    (2 votes)
    Default Khan Academy avatar avatar for user