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Visually comparing fractions review

Review comparing fractions with fraction models and number lines, and try some practice problems.

Comparing fractions

We can compare fractions by seeing which one takes up a greater portion of the same whole.

Comparing fractions with fraction models

Let's look at an example.
Compare 46 and 69 with >,<, or =.
First, let's divide two same-sized wholes into sixths and ninths.
Next. we need to fill in 4 of the sixths to show 46 and 6 of the ninths to show 69.
The fractions represent the same portion of the whole. So, they are equal.
Want to learn more about comparing fractions with fraction models? Check out this video.

Comparing fractions with number lines

Let's look at an example.
Compare 53 and 96 with >,<, or =.
Let's think about where each fraction is located on the number line.
53 is located to the right of 96 on the number line, so 53 is greater than 96.
Want to learn more about comparing fractions with number lines? Check out this video.


Problem 1
Compare the fractions with >,<, or =.
Hint: Think about how you would fill in each rectangle below to help you compare the fractions.

Want to try more problems like this? Check out this exercise.

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