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Types of triangles review

Review ways to classify triangles based on their sides lengths and angles.  Practice classifying triangles.

Classifying triangles by their angles

Acute triangles

An acute triangle has 3 angles that each measure less than 90. Below are examples of acute triangles.

Right triangles

A right triangle has 1 angle that measures 90 and 2 acute angles. Below are examples of right triangles.

Obtuse triangles

An obtuse triangle has one angle that measures more than 90 and 2 acute angles. Below are examples of obtuse triangles.
Want to learn more about classifying triangles? Check out this video.
Problem 1A
Classify PQR by its angles.
Choose 1 answer:

Want to try more problems like this? Check out this exercise

Classifying triangles by their side lengths

Equilateral triangles

An equilateral triangle has three equal sides. Below are examples of equilateral triangles.

Isosceles triangles

An isosceles triangle has at least two equal sides. Below are examples of isosceles triangles.

Scalene triangles

A scalene triangle has no equal sides. Below are examples of scalene triangles.
Problem 2A
Classify PQR by its sides.
Choose all answers that apply:

Want to try more problems like this? Check out this exercise.

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