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Funny Business: unit vocabulary

This is a list of some noteworthy vocabulary you'll find in this unit! Some are related to the unit topic, and others are generally useful academic words.
You'll know some of the words already, and some may be new. Take some time to familiarize yourself with them all before you get started on the passages and exercises in the unit.
Word: swagger
  • Definition: strut; to walk in a confident way
  • Sample Sentence: We all cheered when Kaleb swaggered into the cabin carrying the prize chicken.
Word: cue
  • Definition: something (like an action, or word) in a play or movie that is a signal for the actor to say or do something.
  • Sample Sentence: My cue to exit stage right is when the aardvark breaks through the pen and chases the clown.
Word: occasion
  • Definition: a time when something happens
  • Sample Sentence: On this particular occasion, Hank decided it was in his best interest to paint his face green.
Word: wit
  • Definition: the ability to think of things that are funny and clever
  • Sample Sentence: Mr. Singh’s wit surprised his class; he always looked so serious.
Word: apparently
  • Definition: The word apparently is used to tell us that something seems to be true based on evidence; it is a synonym of seemingly.
  • Sample Sentence: Apparently, I should have removed my face mask before I introduced myself to the president.
Word: exaggerate
  • Definition: to do something in an over-the-top way; to describe something as bigger or more important than it really is
  • Sample Sentence: In slapstick comedy, people exaggerate physical movements to be funny.
Word: gesture
  • Definition: a movement of a part of the body to express an idea or emotion
  • Sample Sentence: The crosswalk guard made such an enormous gesture from the middle of the road, you would have thought a tank was approaching.
Word: gingerly
  • Definition: carefully
  • Sample Sentence: I gingerly stepped onto the sidewalk, then realized the joke was on me—the cement wasn't dry after all.
Word: extinguish
  • Definition: to destroy or eliminate
  • Sample Sentence: Mama extinguished all my hopes of having a career in the theater when she insisted that I become a doctor.
Word: sprawl
  • Definition: to lie or sit with all of your limbs spread apart
  • Sample Sentence: Part of my comedy act was to fall off the ladder and land so that I was sprawled out over Mrs. Park’s rose bushes.
Word: comical.
  • Definition: funny, amusing
  • Sample Sentence: I know my little brother wasn’t trying to be funny when he got stuck in the toilet, but it was the most comical thing my friends had seen all day!
Word: literal
  • Definition: word for word, exact
  • Sample Sentence: Unfortunately my joke is lost forever on anyone who cannot see past the literal meaning of my favorite phrase, “Oh, go jump off a cliff!”
Word: associate
  • Definition: connect or join; to think of something when you think of something else
  • Sample Sentence: I sure hope that no one associates me with a rat.
Word: improvise
  • Definition: to do something on the spot without prior preparation
  • Sample Sentence: Jade forgot the props for our skit, so we had to improvise and use my fluffy pink sweater for the stuffed rabbit.
Word: anticipate
  • Definition: predict, expect
  • Sample Sentence: I did not anticipate that the giraffe would lean over the fence and take my wig right from my head!
Word: convoluted
  • Definition: complicated
  • Sample Sentence: Jasper lost me when his joke got so convoluted that I could no longer follow it.
Word: smug
  • Definition: self-satisfied, conceited
  • Sample Sentence: You better wipe that smug smile off your face or I will throw another whipped cream pie at it!

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  • stelly yellow style avatar for user ⭐BEST20042007⭐
    Apparently, there is a comical occasion down the street. Don't take this too literal, but I want to associate in the play. Therefore, I must improvise. I anticipate that I will on cue, gingerly walk across the stage with swagger and give a smug gesture to the crowd... EXTINGUISH THAT! No way will I let that happen! Either I will exaggerate my wit too much, or make things to convoluted and end up in a sprawl in front of everyone!
    (177 votes)
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  • starky sapling style avatar for user NPC
    Jordan walks on stage with such a WIT, and SWAGGER, I wish I could be like him, after all he was the most popular kid in 8th grade. He had that smug on his face like he knew he was going to win this year's talent show, I would anticipate it, just like the past 5 years. It is always so convoluted to win against Jordan in this occasion, but I knew I had to improvise gingerly. Sadly, I have to do this on my own since I don't have anyone to associate with during my performance. So, I decided to humiliate him! Well I'm not being literal, more comical. I want to make my show so good, it'll knock his out of the park, I'm not going to let a boy extinguish my dreams and not even try! After a while of ranting I sprawled out on the couch for performers, should I exaggerate my talent just to show off? A few minutes passed of waiting around, I was supposed to be getting called to the back to practice my gesture and what I was going to be doing. I didn't even know my cue and apparently I was already passed up since I didn't even acknowledge that my name was called. Shortly, Jordan's show was over and they called ME! I didn't know what to do, should I just go home and be a coward or should I just make up something for my talent. I was shoved onto the stage by Jordan, did he know I didn't have anything to do? The crowd was dead silent, everyone was either whispering or on their phone, so to get their attention I just asked them all a question. "So who wants to hear some jokes?!" They mumbled, yet I don't have any jokes. At that point, I wanted to quit but, I was striving to get that 1st place prize so badly. Out of immediate stress, I just talked about Jordan's performance. Surprisingly, everyone cheered after a good solid 10 minutes of it, I still didn't have a so called talent, I was just speaking randomly. I had then ran out of time on my performance, the judge came on stage and told everyone to cast their votes on their papers under their seats. I was shaking even thinking about the winner, I had to suck it up with all the other 19 performers, so I straightened myself up and wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans. The judge picked up the mic to announce the winners, starting with 4th place, there was my associate!? My friend really ditched me just to get the chance to win the prize all to herself, I was shortly interrupted after the judge was calling 3rd place :Amanda Jones, that's my sister! I congratulated her on her trophy as she walked off stage. "The moment you have all been waiting for!" the judge yelled, the second place winner was....ME! Wait, OMG I actually got this high up, I was awarded a trophy and some other things. I realized that I didn't get 1st which means Jordan won AGAIN!, I wasn't to happy nor mad, I was coming to think that it doesn't matter what place you may get or how people judge you for what you do. It is about the cheer and the positive things about what YOU do, Jordan strutted off stage as people gave him an applause. When I went home that night, my sister and I were surprised to see that our household family was there and holding cake, ice cream, and celebrating. We had the cozy party and all cheered as we got praised, I'm glad I've come to realize that you control the things that effect you!
    (44 votes)
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  • old spice man green style avatar for user Ben H
    Khan Academy: (makes question box for students to ask questions and learn)
    Students: ask off topic and ridiculous questions
    (33 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user gabrielle.parks
    Why did the soccer player take so long to eat dinner?
    (22 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user marwil9719
    Today I told my brother to stop making that smug face or else I would slap him.
    (24 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user to Brody
    my teacher Mrs.Butts just said i have to smell my shoe (true story i swear)
    (20 votes)
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  • spunky sam blue style avatar for user dazais left toenail
    treat me like white tees dont get me dirty
    (13 votes)
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  • area 52 purple style avatar for user Joy Xu
    When the director cued me, I swaggered into the stage, and then I made an exaggerated gesture which lay there in sprawl and closed my eyes. on this occasion, a bear, my associate partner, gingerly came and badly sat on my belly; I screwed." Oh, my belly burst." I didn't anticipate that hurt so much. Apparently, my lovely partner didn't notice my injury; I saw his face wipe smug smile. The following action would be convoluted for me, a quick wit thinking I improvised some shaggy-dog story. That was my first show, a literal terrible comical I ever had.
    (13 votes)
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  • winston default style avatar for user Adrian Wisdom
    I feel as if no one wants to have cancer. that makes sense
    (12 votes)
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  • mr pink green style avatar for user AbramD
    How did the brother get stuck in the toilet?
    (12 votes)
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