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Describing scatterplots (form, direction, strength, outliers)

When we look at a scatterplot, we should be able to describe the association we see between the variables.
A quick description of the association in a scatterplot should always include a description of the form, direction, and strength of the association, along with the presence of any outliers.
Form: Is the association linear or nonlinear?
Direction: Is the association positive or negative?
Strength: Does the association appear to be strong, moderately strong, or weak?
Outliers: Do there appear to be any data points that are unusually far away from the general pattern?
It's also important to include the context of the two variables in the description of these features. Here's an example.


Let's describe this scatterplot, which shows the relationship between the age of drivers and the number of car accidents per 100 drivers in the year 2009.
Here's a possible description that mentions the form, direction, strength, and the presence of outliers—and mentions the context of the two variables:
"This scatterplot shows a strong, negative, linear association between age of drivers and number of accidents. There don't appear to be any outliers in the data."
Notice that the description mentions the form (linear), the direction (negative), the strength (strong), and the lack of outliers. It also mentions the context of the two variables in question (age of drivers and number of accidents).


Problem 1
Choose the scatterplot that best fits this description:
"There is a strong, positive, linear association between the two variables."
Choose 1 answer:

Problem 2
Choose the scatterplot that best fits this description:
"There is a moderately strong, negative, linear association between the two variables with a few potential outliers."
Choose 1 answer:

Problem 3
Choose the scatterplot that best fits this description:
"There is a strong, negative, nonlinear association between the two variables."
Choose 1 answer:

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