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Creativity break: How do you apply creativity in algebra

Experts share how we can apply creativity in algebra, mathematics, and problem solving. Created by Khan Academy.

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  • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user Tas
    Why saad Khan, why not happy Khan? :(
    (21 votes)
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  • stelly blue style avatar for user Excel
    This is an amazing video
    Actually I can relate to what everyone said
    Most of us try to cram solutions and mathematics formulas but we never try to understand the concepts
    When you learn a topic in math,try to ask your self and your tutor how your knowledge of the skill helps in solving life problems
    That way, mathematics will be much more fun to learn ☺️
    (28 votes)
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  • mr pants teal style avatar for user Qasim Hashmi
    Do people still use Khan Academy?
    (1 vote)
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  • piceratops ultimate style avatar for user elijah
    Since this video doesn't have many comments, I figure I should say this so people don't ask "Why does this matter?". If you are wondering why Algebra is important in life, they explain some reasons in this video, but allow me to expand. The point of math is to test problem solving abilities, and it closely ties in with science because in math, it is crucial you don't make mistakes if you want to get the question right! Just like in science, where if you are doing an experiment, and accidentally mess up a variable, it is likely you will have to restart. Hope this clarifies or helps anyone who is wondering about this kind of stuff. Good luck and stay safe!
    (7 votes)
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  • male robot donald style avatar for user Hayden Meadows
    In what jobs do you use algebra.
    (3 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user gjmcdonnell0617
    The first and third person spoke about how we use algebra for cummunication, jobs, etc. and the second person spoke about WHY we need to be creative with algebra. Who spoke about HOW we are creative with algebra. It seems to me that algebra is completely on the analytical side of the brain, not the creative.
    (1 vote)
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Video transcript

(gentle music) - So if you're trying to communicate a complex topic, such as mathematics or a mathematical problem to the general public, who might not be familiar with the specifics behind that problem, there are many different ways to help you get that concept across. And one of the ways that we do this in mathematical is to use videos and things that are visually appealing to people. So by using lots of visual aids, so bright colors and cartoons, and word prompts on your screen, you can engage and capture the audience in different ways that you might not be able to do if you're just speaking in terms of equations and mathematics. - When we're more creative about how we present and how we talk about math it makes it more relatable to people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures and experiences. When we are creative in how we explain or how we relate mathematical concepts, we can use things from sports, entertainment, or real world to help really ground the principles that we're learning and the theories that we're learning to something relatable. So the more creative we can be in explaining how math is related to the world around us, how it's related to things that we are invested in, the more likely it is to resonate with the people around us. - As soon as a problem is posed our instinct is to find the solution. But remember, often there's more than one solution and usually there's more than one path to it. (gentle music)