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What defines us?: Welcome to the unit!

How do we become who we are?
What makes us who we are? How do entire cultures form their own identities? Do animals have their own sense of identity? All these questions and more will guide us as we explore the meaning of identity in this unit.
Stop and think:
  • What defines you?
  • Does what other people think of you change how you think of yourself? And is that a good thing or a bad thing?
  • Are some parts of identity more important than others for all people?
  • Can identity change?
  • How is it possible for a culture to develop an identity?
In this unit, you will:
  • Read literary, informational and argumentative texts about identity
  • Think about what identity means to you
  • Reflect on questions of identity from individual, social, and cultural perspectives
  • Watching videos that explain different approaches and strategies for reading
  • Reading and answering questions about literary, informational, and argumentative texts
  • Expanding your academic vocabulary
In order to answer the essential question: How do we define ourselves?

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