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Course: LSAT > Unit 1

Lesson 5: Analytical Reasoning – Worked examples

Ordering setup | New info–could be true 2 | Worked example

Example video showing how to approach a *new info: could* question on an ordering setup from the analytical reasoning section of the LSAT.

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Video transcript

- [Instructor] Make sure that you've already watched the set-up video, in which we created the initial diagram that you see us using here. So the question asks if G is the monument that was begun in 602, which one of the following could be true? So we're looking for the choice that is possible in the scenario, that G is second. Since we're given new information, that isn't necessarily true outside of this particular question, let's re-draw our initial diagrams, so that we can work from it, and make deductions that are specific to this scenario only. Alright, now we can incorporate the new condition by placing G second. That leaves M and S to be the pair that's in 601. L has to be third, because we deduced in the initial set-up that's the latest that L can be, and so F and H must be fourth and fifth in some order. Now, let's evaluate each choice, and eliminate the ones that are impossible, and select the one that is possible. A, F was begun in 603. Well that's not possible, because we deduced here that L has to be the monument begun in 603. B, H was begun in 604. Now that could be true. We just deduced that either F or H is in 604, so this our answer. In case you have questions on the remaining choices, let's take look at them quickly. C, M was begun in 603. This doesn't work, because we know for this question, M is in 601. D, S was begun in 603. Just like with choice C, this is false, because S is in 601. E, S was begun in 604, and again this is impossible, because we already deduced that S is in 601. So, B's the answer. And with a quick re-sketch of the initial diagram, and a look at the implications of the questions new condition, we got to the answer pretty efficiently.