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Let's recall!

Let's recall what we have learnt so far!

Quiz each other!

Alright, my fellow knowledge seekers! 📚 It's time to put on your quizmaster hats! 🎩
Here's what we're going to do. You're going to pair up and quiz each other on what we've learned so far. Here's how it'll work:
1️⃣ Spend the first 3 minutes coming up with 3 questions to ask your partner. They can be about anything we've covered in this unit.
2️⃣ Then, you'll have 3 minutes to answer your partner's questions. Remember, it's not about getting it right or wrong, it's about understanding the material!
3️⃣ Finally, take the last 4 minutes to check your answers and discuss the questions. This is your chance to really dig into the material and make sure you understand it.
Remember, quizzing each other is a fantastic way to strengthen your understanding of the material. It's not just about memorizing facts, it's about really understanding the concepts. So, put on your thinking caps and let's get quizzing! 🧠
Once you're done, drop your experience in the discussion forum below. We can't wait to hear how it went! 🎉

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