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How to go about the chapter

Let's walk through what this unit contains and how we can go through it.
Hey there, achievers! 🔢 We're diving into Factors and Multiples for the next 5 weeks, and each week we will go through two lessons and a quiz. (Note that this is only a recommended pace, but move from one lesson to the next only after you've understood all the contents of the previous lesson and finished all exercises. Take your time but do not compromise with the learning!).
Check out what you'll be learning each week:
WeekLesson 1Lesson 2
1What are factors and multiples?Prime and co-prime numbers
2HCF using prime factorizationLCM using prime factorization
3Extending prime-factorizationDivision method to find HCF
4Relationship between HCF and LCMGCD and LCM of fractions and decimals
5Reducing large HCFs into smaller HCFsRemainders
After each week, there's a quiz to help you revisit the contents of that week. And, after the full unit, there's a unit test!
If you have any questions, drop them in the discussion forum below, happy learning! 📚

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