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Activity 5: Color scripts


  • Analyze a color script used at Pixar
  • Generate an original color script

Part 1: Analysis

Questions for the Viewer
  • What can you tell about the story by looking at the color script?
  • What does it tell you about the overall tone & feel of the movie?
  • Select three frames that have very different moods and explain what they make you feel and how color and light was used.

Part 2: Practice

Below are three rough frames from the story reel for the short film Piper. Pick one of the three frames, print it out and color it in to create two distinct looks. What moods were you able to portray?

Part 3: Generate

Do you have an idea for your own story? Or a story that you've read that you'd like to think about designing the lighting for? Apply what you've learned here and create a color script for it!
Keep in mind that you don’t need to draw to make a great color script, even a photo collage would work. Choose images that reference how you imagine color, light and shadow would be used for each key moment in the story. Or, feel free to draw each frame.

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  • duskpin ultimate style avatar for user Vi
    I have a question: The video says that the Land of the Dead was blue to give this warm feeling. like welcoming. When I watched the movie, I just thought it was blue because it was evening and Miguel had to get back to his family by sunrise- you know, yellow: morning/afternoon, blue: evening, nighttime...?
    (45 votes)
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    • blobby blue style avatar for user LLPemberton
      I agree. we could look back at this I also understand where you are coming from this is my personal opinion. that it was made blue and dusk and diferent cool colors because of all the mysterious and sensational lighting. because miguel was in a strange mysterious land that he new nothing about. I think that is why they made it like that what do you think
      (17 votes)
  • aqualine seed style avatar for user Anastasia Jones
    With my story when the character Isaiah is following Caroline in an attempt to figure out more about her, I can easily imagine sort of mysterious lighting in a way.
    Basically what I'm seeing is night time with the only light coming from street lights along with only a little from the moon. Sort of like when Carl was first entering the house as a little kid, right before he met Ellie.
    Then later on, when Caroline finally stops in an alleyway, the only lighting is coming from the moon and, maybe, a shop sign. Sort of like how in Toy Story 3 when Jessie sees Buzz for the first time after Lotso turned him to his side.

    Another scene that I can imagine from my story is at the end, when he finally discovers who's been causing all the trouble in the city.
    They're in an abandoned warehouse in the middle of the day and the only light is coming from a dirty, slightly broken window. Sort of giving off a dreadful, gloomy feel, letting whoever's seeing it know that something major is going to happen soon.
    (13 votes)
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  • duskpin tree style avatar for user Paige Chandler
    in my story (a tale dark and Grimm), I think my favorite shot is when Hansel and Gretel get home years had passed since they ran away. I picture it as golden light coming through the windows and reflecting off the stone tile floor of the castle as they walk down a hallway where they know their parents are it is made to be a happy-sad moment.
    (6 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user pradeeba.p2009
    1: the story shows that Miguil from land of Alive went to land of Dead.
    2: it was a nice feeling and I watch the movie! the charecters to the colours are nice feeling
    (5 votes)
    Default Khan Academy avatar avatar for user
  • aqualine tree style avatar for user Creative Rabbit
    Do you think that this visual language and visual effects could be used for a novel? I know it sounds crazy, but is it possible?
    (5 votes)
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  • duskpin ultimate style avatar for user Funke Ajoloko
    I have a question that is not related to anything:
    Is there an app or website we can use for animation?
    (4 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user hcps-copelandd
    I can see how some scenes from Coco are light and some that are kind of dark.
    (4 votes)
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  • spunky sam orange style avatar for user odingrai2014
    I Feel like if i was making a horror movie of some sorts i feel like the light would be Dark And below everyone and for extra effects i feel like i would set it to red for more detail
    (4 votes)
    Default Khan Academy avatar avatar for user
  • blobby green style avatar for user kimrob38
    Does the light hurt your guys eyes ?
    (3 votes)
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  • leafers sapling style avatar for user LiL BABBY
    remember me I know I have to travel fair remember me whenever you hear a sad guitar Remember me. Though I have to say goodbye. Remember me. Don't let it make you cry. For even if I'm far away. I hold you in my heart. I sing this special song to you remember me
    (2 votes)
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