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Reflection activity: Next steps

Start fighting for technology that respects your goals and attention

What’s next?

Once you’ve worked toward your goal for a while, take a step back to learn from your experience.


(If you’re working in a group, it may be helpful to answer these questions together.)
  1. What did you learn?
  2. What will you change permanently?
  3. What do you want others to know?
Taking control of your own habits is just the start of pushing for technology that respects our attention and our intentions. As long as hijacking our attention is profitable, companies will continue to find more powerful ways to do it.
Your personal experiences and the lessons you’ve learned are an important part of the movement for technology that serves the public good. If shifting your tech use has inspired you to take further action, you can:
  • Consider sharing your reflection on MySocialTruth.
  • Use the Imagine Humane Technology lesson in the "Seeing the consequences" unit to explore the possibilities for humane technology and envision solutions that advance systemic change.

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