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Reflect: The growth mindset

At the beginning of this activity, we shared how an important part of growing your brain is understanding common obstacles that can get in your way or throw you off track when learning and how to overcome them. In this reflection, do your best to think about the challenges and obstacles you face in your own life. Use these reflection questions to piece together a plan for overcoming them using strategies shared in this activity.

Let's reflect.

  • If someone you knew said, “I am just not a good writer and never will be”, what would you tell them?
  • How did Sam’s fixed mindset prevent him from succeeding when the material got harder?
  • What was John Legend’s response to struggling to get a record deal?
  • What is something you have struggled with recently? What do you tell yourself when you feel like giving up? What keeps you going?
  • Some common fixed mindset triggers are life transitions, failure, or discouraging things said to you by your peers. What are your fixed mindset triggers?
  • What is a transition or an event that you anticipate being hard in the future?
  • What can you do when your fixed mindset thoughts creep in during the transition or event you identified?
Congratulations, you have completed all 3 parts of Activity 2: Connect, Learn, and Reflect! These activities are part of the LearnStorm 2019 program.

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  • blobby green style avatar for user Angelo venditto
    this is reddit but for students
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  • winston baby style avatar for user jimmyvang
    How can I have a good mindset if everyone discourages me about something that I do or am doing?Can i block out the haters?
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    • aqualine tree style avatar for user Bastienne
      What helps me is this: People who are more succesful than you or better at something won't discourage you, but give you advice on how to get better. So the reason the 'haters' are doing this is because they are actually NOT better than you and they are afraid you might be better than them so they're trying to hold you down.
      (29 votes)
  • aqualine seed style avatar for user kurbina
    What i can do to change my fixed mindset is to try being positive and counterattack the negative thoughts that may come to mind. A trigger for my fixed mindset is when I do bad on a test or exam and do not get the grade I was hoping for. However, everyone makes mistakes in life and nothing is going to be perfect. I just have to keep trying and understand what I did wrong to do better the next time, because you can only get better. An extremely difficult event in the future will definately be my AP exams and ACT. I am already nervous for these events coming up, but I am going to try my hardest to not get discouraged. If my fixed mindset thoughts come in, I can tell myself its not over yet and good things will come in the future.
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  • blobby green style avatar for user jaqueline luna
    When fixed mindset thoughts try to enter my mind instead of letting them I will take a breath, relax and then continue on. A few common triggers for me are not receiving a good grade or having to juggle a lot of things at once, this really gets my fixed mindset going. An event that I picture being difficult in the future is the AP core, their assignments and tests. I feel like I will thrive in AP if I simply just ask questions and talk to those around me who are in the same classes, and figure out what we need help on.
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  • marcimus orange style avatar for user gabrielladauber
    What i can do to change my fixed mindset is to try being positive and counterattack the negative thoughts that may come to mind. A trigger for my fixed mindset is when I do bad on a test or exam and do not get the grade I was hoping for. However, everyone makes mistakes in life and nothing is going to be perfect. I just have to keep trying and understand what I did wrong to do better the next time, because you can only get better. An extremely difficult event in the future will definately be my AP exams and ACT. I am already nervous for these events coming up, but I am going to try my hardest to not get discouraged. If my fixed mindset thoughts come in, I can tell myself its not over yet and good things will come in the future.
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  • blobby green style avatar for user graciennews
    I am constantly reminded that even the great legends and professionals were babies at one point. They didn't know how to eat or walk by themselves. But as we learn and grow, we fall down sometimes or we drop the spoon, but eventually we figure it out. When feeling discouraged in a fixed mindset, I like to remember that everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, and what I do with those 24 hours is what helps me be me. Don't compare to others, because everyone is on different paths, and just use your 24 hours to your advantage. Always think of how improve systems, whether that is your own personal time management, or a system you've been dealing with at work. God gave humans rational thought for a reason; he did not make us to be stagnant. As long as we are encouraging ourselves and pushing for the best, we should remain in the growth mindset.
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  • marcimus purple style avatar for user krodriguez63
    When fixed mindset thoughts come into my mind I tell myself that I can do it and keep going.A life transition that I think is going to be hard in the future is moving out and going to college.
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  • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user Emma Chuang
    When fixed mindset statements come into my mind, I can try to stand back and take a look at what I'm actually thinking. I should take a moment and realize that those statements are negative and they don't help me reach my goals.

    I think my fixed mindset triggers would be those instances where I'm afraid of getting something wrong. There have been occasions where I might be asked a question and I don't know what the answer is or I get it wrong. Sometimes I'm scared that I don't know enough and I limit myself from opportunities so I don't have to face my fears of being asked questions and possibly not knowing the answers.

    I think an event that might be hard for me would be any sort of exam. I get pretty nervous about them. If fixed mindset statements make their way into my head during those exams, I'll try my best to keep calm and study as hard as I can beforehand as well.
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Ashlynn810
    One of the things I can do is to always be positive. Never let myself be negative. One of my fixed mindset was when I would get a wrong answer and someone would get the right answer I would feel like I’m not smart enough. I would feel like I didn’t belong there. But everyone makes mistakes , no one is perfect. I’ve learned that you’re going to fail at one point but you can bring yourself up my trying and working harder.
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Erica772
    When a fixed mindset comes into my head I should just think and try to do better. A trigger of mine would be getting a bad grade on a quiz or test. I think an even that I anticipate are my exams for emt. Because I really want to pass that class and the test at the end. When my thoughts creep in I should think positively and study more so I can do better.
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