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Course: Europe 1800 - 1900 > Unit 5

Lesson 4: Post-Impressionism

Why Is This Woman in the Jungle?

Artist Henri Rousseau painted The Dream in 1910, and it's imagery of a woman lounging on a sofa in the middle of a jungle was as surreal then as it is today. What is it about this artwork that captivated audiences then and now? #art #henrirousseau #thedream Thanks to our Grandmasters of the Arts Tyler Calvert-Thompson, Divide by Zero Collection, David Golden, and Ernest Wolfe, and all of our patrons, especially Rich Clarey, Iain Eudaily, Frame Monster Design Laboratory, Patrick Hanna, Nichole Hicks, Andrew Huynh, Eve Leonard, David Moore, Gabriel Civita Ramirez, Constance Urist, Nicholas Xu, and Roberta Zaphiriou. To support our channel, visit: http://www.patreon.com/artassignment. Subscribe for new episodes of The Art Assignment every other Thursday, and follow us elsewhere for the full Art Assignment experience: Twitter: http://twitter.com/artassignment Instagram: http://instagram.com/theartassignment/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/artassignmentextracredit. Created by Smarthistory.

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