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How to take a practice LSAT

How to take a practice LSAT

A practice test is not just another homework assignment. It is an important opportunity for you to get as accurate a picture as possible of your readiness to earn a score that will make you proud. Your results will help you—and help Khan Academy's recommendation engine—make informed decisions about your prep schedule and keep your study sessions productive.
When you take your full length practice tests here on Khan Academy, the system will use the results to update your profile and adjust your practice recommendations accordingly. We help you prioritize practice on the question types where you need the most work! The system knows the comparative frequency of different Logical Reasoning question types, for example, and keeps those in mind when personalizing your practice.
Furthermore, full length timed practice tests give you insight into areas that will be critical to your success on Test Day:
  • Did you run out of time on any sections?
  • Did you get nervous?
  • Did you get hungry?
  • Did you get thirsty?
  • Did you get tired?
  • Were you able to stay focused?
  • Did you survive for three waking hours without looking at your phone?
Here are a few tips to make your practice test a success:

Warm ­Up

  • Eat a healthy dinner the night before taking a practice test, including slow­-release energy carbohydrates (for example: rice, pasta, potatoes). It’s a mental marathon—but you should fuel your body and mind as if you are running a real one.
  • Get a good night’s sleep (at least 8 hours)
  • Eat a healthy breakfast (for example: juice, fruit, eggs, cereal, toast—nothing too sugary!)

Be Prepared

  • Pencils, an eraser, and scratch paper for diagrams and other notes
  • Water and healthy snacks on hand

Location and Environment

  • No distractions!
  • Turn OFF your phone
  • If you'd like to use your phone as a timer, put it in airplane mode


On Test Day, you will not be permitted to access your phone or any other electronic device at all—not even during the break—or your scores could be cancelled. So don’t do it during a practice test! You need to know what it feels like to be disconnected for these three hours.

Top tips

  • Do the essay: Don’t forget to practice writing the writing sample—you need to know what it feels like to tackle this assignment in 35 minutes!
  • Be honest with yourself: Give yourself exactly the amount of time indicated for each section. Don’t give yourself a few extra seconds to fill in bubbles for questions you didn’t get to. If you do that on Test Day, your scores may be canceled.
  • Take Official Breaks: Take one 10 ­minute break after second multiple choice section. That’s it. Seriously.
  • Stay hydrated and energized: Eat healthy snacks and drink water during your breaks

Review your practice test

Here are some useful questions to consider when reviewing your performance:
  • Did you sleep at least 8 hours the night before the practice test?
  • Did you wake up at least one hour before the practice test?
  • Did you eat a healthy breakfast?
  • Were you happy with your breakfast? Would you like to try out another kind of breakfast food next time?
  • Did someone proctor the test for you?
  • Did you take it one sitting?
  • Did you give yourself a Test Day break (one 10 minute break after the second multiple choice section)?
  • Did you drink water during breaks?
  • Did you eat healthy snacks during the break?
  • Did your snacks make you happy? Treat yourself during the break—you should only be eating healthy and happy-making snacks!
  • Were you strict with yourself about the time? If not, why not?
  • Did you leave your phone off for the duration of the practice test?
If you can answer YES to ALL of the above questions, then the chances are good that you have an accurate picture of what you're currently capable of. If you answered NO, then you didn't do everything you could to accurately assess where you stand.

Good luck!

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