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Course: LSAT > Unit 1

Lesson 5: Analytical Reasoning – Worked examples

Ordering setup | Given info–cannot be true 1 | Worked example

Watch a demonstration of one way to approach a "Given info: cannot be true" question on an ordering setup from the analytical reasoning section of the LSAT.

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Video transcript

- [Instructor] Make sure that you've already watched the set up video in which we created the initial diagram that you see here. We're asked, which one of the following cannot be the monument that was begun in 602. So we're looking for a monument that can't ever be in 602 based on the rules of the setup. This should be fast because we make these kind of deductions in the initial setup. We said that F and H can't be in 602. So either F or H will be our answer here. Glancing through the choices, the answer has to be A. As a quick reminder, the reason that F can't be in 602 is because L is in an earlier year than F and G is in an earlier year than L. So if F were in 602, there wouldn't be room for G to be earlier than L and then L to be earlier than F. So making deductions up front can really pay off in the questions. And questions like these are an example of where you can save quite a lot of time on test day.