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Flower sexual parts (unisexual & bisexual)

Let's explore the unisexual and bisexual flowers. Created by Mahesh Shenoy.

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if you look at the flowering plants which are also called angiosperms then the flower represents the sexual part of that plant on the other hand if you look at non flowering plants which are also called the gymnosperms then these cones they represent their sexual parts but you know what flowers are beautiful and so in this video we will look at the different parts of the flower and we'll focus more on something called uni sexual and bisexual flowers and look at some of their examples so let's get rid of that and focus on the flower the flower can be broadly divided into four parts this middle part that you find over here we call it the carpel you can also call it pistol now it turns out that carpel and pistol are not exactly the same they have some differences but the difference is only important when we deal with more complicated carpels but as of now we can just call them in for such simple flowers we need to call them the same thing so you call them carpel or pistol doesn't matter but what's important is that the carpel or the pistol that is the female reproductive part of the flower so I'm just gonna call this the female reproductive problems not a female reproduction now why do we say that the carpel is the female your prototype art because it is a car bell that is responsible in production of egg cells carpels make egg cells somewhere over here and so just like how in animals the female reproduce so any part any product reproductive part which makes the egg cells is often called the female reproductive part the next one would be stamen so these are the stamen we have four stamens in our flower the stamen they are the male reproductive parts so let me write that over here oops alright so the stamen are the male reproductive part and he guesses why it's called the male reporter part well because it is it is where the sperm cells are made sperm cells again just like in animals the reproductive part that creates them sperm cells we call them the male reproductive part and the whole idea behind sexual reproduction is that the sperm cells need to go and fuse with the egg cells but we'll have to wait for that action it's going to happen in the future videos for now let's only concentrate on the parts of the flower so we are two down two more to go and yeah before you proceed one important thing whenever I get confused between these names right what I do is I remember stamen has the word men in it and that's how I read that that helps me to remember that stamen is the male reproductive part something to help me remember all right now let's go to the third one the third one is probably the easiest one to remember it's the petals what do they do well you know they make the flower attractive and so the main job is to attract attract insects like bees and butterflies even birds why because as we will see in the future they play a huge role in in the reproduction you may have heard of this thing called as pollination right we'll talk about all of that fun stuff in the future videos but the petal job is basically to attract the insects and finally that brings us to the fourth part the sepals the sepals played an important role in protecting this flower even before it blossomed you might know that when the flower before the flower blossoms it's a bud right and so what's covering that bud it's the sepals it's a sample that protects the things inside from maybe getting eaten or anything so their main job of the sepal was to protect let me just write that was to protect protect the young flower I would say the young what's it the young bud of course now that the flower has blossomed its job is done but now the less it did play an important role in its life so these are the four parts of the flower and of course in the future video will dig a little deeper and look at the parts of the carpel and the same and separately but what I want to tell you now is that in this particular example we have you're seeing that both the female and the male reproductive parts are on the same flower right such flowers are called bisexual flowers why because they have both the sexes on the same flower bisexual but in some cases we will find they will only contain either the male reproductive part the stamens or they will only contain the female reproductive part the carpals in such cases since they contain only one reproductive part we will call them unisexual flowers so let's take some examples if you look at lilies then they are bisexual why because if you look carefully you can see the carpel the female reproductive part and you can see the stamens as well these are the statements the male reproductive part both are present so it's bisexual another famous example is hibiscus if you look carefully you can see this female reproductive part the car pail of course the car pail is a little complicated you can see 1 2 3 4 5 carpels fused together so it's a little complicated but what's important is that you see the female reproductive part and you also see those statements over here these are all the stamens the male prototype part because both are present this is a bisexual flower on the other hand if you look at papaya flowers if you look at the top flower what you're seeing are only the carpals of course there are five carpals over here but only the female deliberative part is present only one sex therefore this is a unisexual flower and since only female reported parts are present we'll call that as the female flower on the bottom we have another papaya flower itself but this one only contains the stamens the Maori protocol and therefore this one will be a unisexual male papaya flower now at this point you might say that's great I understand unisexual and bisexual flowers but here's the problem for exams in exams they ask us to list out the flowers which are unisexual and which are bisexual how do we do that how do we remember which flowers are unisexual and bisexual here's what I do so whenever I say the word flower whichever flowers come to your mind most of the famous flowers that you might know of like sunflowers lilies hibiscus Lotus daffodils tulips roses marigold whichever famous flower you can think of those are all bisexual flowers that's a clue to remember bisexual flowers the most famous flowers you can think of all right on the other hand when I talk about big fruits or big vegetables think big fruits big vegetables like papaya or jackfruit or watermelon are our pumpkin bottle gourd so big vegetables and big fruits turns out their flowers are usually unisexual now of course if there is no rule like that this is just a way to remember for example if you take mango which is which can also be big right turns out mango flowers are bisexual so don't think of razor rule is just a way to remember unisexual and bisexual flower especially for our exams okay that's pretty much it so to quickly summarize what we see in this video we learned the four parts of the flower and then we saw that if both the carpet and the stamen are present on the same flower both the sexes are present on the same flower we will call them bisexual flowers and how do we remember it well the most famous flowers you can think of they're all bisexual and if you have only one of the sexes present on the flower either just the carpels or only the stamens then we will call them unisexual flowers and how do we remember it I think remember big fruits and big vegitables not all of them but like papaya jackfruit pumpkin their flowers tend to be unisexual