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Apply: calculating the molar mass of compounds

You might need: Calculator,Periodic table


Fructose is a sugar found naturally in honey, fruits, and vegetables. A Lewis structure of fructose is shown below.
Five C atoms are connected horizontally by a single line. The far left carbon is connected to an O atom to its left by a single line. The O atom is connected to an H atom to its left by a single bond. The O atom also has 2 electron pairs around it. The far left carbon is also connected to an O atom above it by two lines. This O atom has 2 electron pairs around it. The middle three C atoms are all connected to a H atom with a single line and an O atom with a single line. Each of the O atoms is connected to a H atom by a single line and is surrounded by two electrons pairs. The far right C atom is connected to an O atom extending to the right. This O atom is connected to an H atom by a single line extending to the right and is surrounded by two pairs of electrons.
Which of the following is the molar mass of fructose?
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