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Schizophrenia treatment

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  • purple pi purple style avatar for user Lori Erickson
    At you mention that a negative symptom is flat affect. What is flat affect? Also why is delusions, hallucinations, etc. considered positve symptoms?
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    • male robot hal style avatar for user Arkad
      Positive symptoms means symptoms that are present in schizophrenics, but are absent in the normal population such as delusions (feelings of grandiosity and paranoia), hallucinations (auditory or visual), and disorganized thinking (forming deep relationships with inanimate objects). These symptoms occur because of hyper-expression of D2 dopamine receptors.

      Negative symptoms means symptoms that are not present in schizophrenics, but are found within the normal population. Such as lack of appropriate emotional response (laughing during sad events or crying during joyous occasions). These symptoms occur because of hyper-expression of D1 dopamine receptors.
      (6 votes)
  • female robot ada style avatar for user Katana
    At what exactly are the endocrine side effects and what is prolactine? If found to be high in the blood, what are the effects?
    (2 votes)
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    • female robot ada style avatar for user Samantha
      Prolactin (PRL), also known as luteotropic hormone or luteotropin, is a protein that in humans is best known for its role in enabling mammals, usually females, to produce milk.

      When prolactin levels are high, it s called Hyperprolactinaemia, or excess serum prolactin, is associated with hypoestrogenism, anovulatory infertility, oligomenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, unexpected lactation and loss of libido in women and erectile dysfunction and loss of libido in men.
      (2 votes)
  • mr pants teal style avatar for user Meredith B
    Given that males are more likely to have early onset (higher numbers of males at younger age over females that gradually equilibrate over time), aren't those two factors that worsen prognosis connected? It makes me think that the older you are at onset the better equipped you are to handle it? Could be a combination of more mature brain function at later onset compared to early onset and maybe, you have a more established in life so your support network and career are more stable? And the factor that estrogen might be neuroprotective. It's interesting to think about.
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    • orange juice squid orange style avatar for user Josh w
      It could be that the earlier the onset, the higher probability that there is a genetic component strongly at play. While it isn't easy to treat anything, treating psychosocial aspects of schizophrenia is going to be easier than treating a genetic factor.
      (2 votes)
  • leaf yellow style avatar for user aphrodite.st7
    Is there a higher possibility for relapse if the patient is on medication and he stops it?
    And if so, would it be more difficult to control the symptoms again after you restart the medication?
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  • aqualine sapling style avatar for user RedneckLover3596
    my grandmother has schizophrenia. how likly is it for me to get it.
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    • spunky sam blue style avatar for user Butterfly
      "Scientists have long known that schizophrenia sometimes runs in families. The illness occurs in less than 1 percent of the general population, but it occurs in 10 percent of people who have a first-degree relative with the disorder, such as a parent, brother, or sister. People who have second-degree relatives (aunts, uncles, grandparents, or cousins) with the disease also develop schizophrenia more often than the general population. The risk is highest for an identical twin of a person with schizophrenia. He or she has a 40 to 65 percent chance of developing the disorder. Although these genetic relationships are strong, there are many people who have schizophrenia who don’t have a family member with the disorder and, conversely, many people with one or more family members with the disorder who do not develop it themselves."
      (1 vote)
  • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user elliehp
    If know ones sure why blocking dopamine receptors help how exactly did someone come up with the idea?
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  • blobby green style avatar for user shrookreda98
    Why antipsychotic drugs cause orthostatic hypotension
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  • ohnoes default style avatar for user Electa Enas Hammond
    Could extrapyamidal be any type of movement including being unable to sit in one place for very long? or rapid movement?
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Video transcript

- [Voiceover] So, managing Schizophrenia is a tricky business. Typically, the main problem that we want to try to manage are psychotic symptoms, like hallucinations and delusions using medications that are called anti-psychotics. Now, anti-psychotics can be broken up into older drugs, sometimes called first generation anti-psychotics, or we can shorten that to FGA. And these guys are also called typical and then the newer drugs are called second generation anti-psychotics, or SGAs, and these ones can also be called atypical. Now, most of these work by blocking a specific type of receptor called dopamine receptor D2. Were not exactly sure why blocking these receptors has been shown to help with psychotic symptoms, we just known that they're helpful for most of the people that take them. Now, SGAs are actually usually preferred over FGAs because they usually have less side effects that induce movement disorders, like, Parkinsonism. These movement type side effects are also called extrapyramidal side effects. And the main difference between FGAs and SGAs is thought to be that SGAs have this tendency to block serotonin receptor 5HT2 with a higher potency than FGAs and block dopamine receptors less than FGAs. This has been shown to lead to less extrapyramidal side effects. That's not to say that there are no side effects at all, though. The SGA side effects will depend on their type. Okay. So, depending on what stage the person's in, we'll try to focus on different treatments. So, let's say that someone has their first episode of psychosis, and we want to treat it . We would say that they're in the acute phase and the acute phase is the very early stages where the person is having their first episodes of psychosis, or this also includes when they're relapsing after not having episodes of psychosis for a while. And our goal here is to reduce the severity of psychotic thoughts and behaviors. In patients that are having their first episodes often respond better than those that are relapsing, and so they might be able to take lower doses of their medication. But because everybody responds so differently to anti-psychotic medications, they'll often be "trialed" to find the right anti-psychotic for each person. So, let's say that we give our patient one of our FGAs, this seems to help with their psychotic symptoms, meaning things like delusions and hallucinations, tend to be down, but they're experiencing spasms and movements as a side effect. Knowing this, we might switch to SGAs that tend to produce less movement related side effects. And after these trials of different medications, we eventually find the ones that are right for this patient and their symptoms are reasonably controlled. At this point, there are essentially recovered from the acute phase and enter the stable/maintenance phase. And our goal in this phase is to prevent a relapse. So, we're minimizing symptoms and we're trying to improve any areas of life that have been impaired, like relationships or work capabilities. At this point, therapy might be added into the treatment plan to help. And we might focus on things like stress reduction, as well as creating support networks of family and friends. And finally, emphasizing the importance of minimizing the use of drugs and alcohol. Now, in this phase of treatment, even though psychotic symptoms might be under control, managing side effects of the medications, themselves, is a really important part of managing Schizophrenia and improving quality of life. Now, one helpful mnemonic that might help us look for side effects is SHE WAS ME, which stands for the following: Sedation, which is a state of being calm or sleeping, hypotension, which is low blood pressure, extrapyramidal, movement related, wieght, as in weight gain, anticholinergic, things like dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, sexual dysfuntion, metabolic, or glucose tolerance, and endocrine, like hyperprolactinemia, which is high levels of prolactine in the blood. And a lot of times, Schizophrenia also comes with other symptoms, besides psychosis, right? Like Depression and Manic Depression. And Depression will usually be treated with Anti-Depressants, where Manic-Depressive episodes can be treated with mood stablizers. So, with all this known, what's usually the prognosis for patients? Well, unfortunately, relapse are relatively common. Even those that are on anti-psychotic medications, see relapses about 20% of the time. Those not being treated with anti-psychotics, though, are significantly higher and have about a 75% chance of relapse. Additionally, after each relapse, the stable baseline of functioning usually gets worse. So, if you are currently stable and being treated, but still have some side effects and symptoms, after an episode of psychosis in relapse, you might come back to a baseline that's worse than before. And there are a couple of factors that seems to be associated with a worse prognosis, and simply being male is one of them, but we're not quite sure why. An early onset seems to also be associated with worse prognosis. And, finally, a strong family history of Schizophrenia, meaning the more family members that have Schizophrenia, the worse the outlook on your prognosis is. With that said, though, positive symptoms, like delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized thinking and behavior typically improve over time and with treatment. Unfortunately, though, negative symptoms that tend to be socially debilitating, like apathy or flat affect, tend to get worse over time. And it's also unclear at this point why this is the case. And, finally, another difficulty with treating Schizophrenia is non-compliance with medications and treatments. This is a huge, huge issue. In about 50% of patients within the first one to two years will be non-compliant in some way, which tends to make the prognosis even worse.