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Unit 12: Cellular respiration

500 possible mastery points

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This unit is part of the Biology library. Browse videos, articles, and exercises by topic.

Before you jump into the nitty-gritty details, get the big picture of cellular respiration. Learn about the different stages of this process and how they fit together.
The name glycolysis means "sugar-splitting," and sure enough, this metabolic pathway splits glucose into two three-carbon molecules. Learn more about the steps of glycolysis and how it is used in both cellular respiration and fermentation.
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Glycolysis can extract a bit of the energy from a glucose molecule, but the citric acid cycle can squeeze out much more. Learn about the steps of the cycle, how it harvests energy, and how it's fueled by acetyl CoA (produced by oxidation of pyruvate from glycolysis).
Oxidative phosphorylation produces most of the ATP made in cellular respiration. Learn more about how oxidative phosphorylation uses electron transport to drive ATP synthesis.
There's more than one way to extract energy from a fuel molecule! Learn how cells break down fuels without oxygen, how non-glucose molecules can enter cellular respiration, and how cellular respiration is regulated.
Level up on the above skills and collect up to 240 Mastery points
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Unit test

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