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Exploration questions: local threats to biodiversity

Grab your notebook or computer and write out your answer to each of the following questions. Then compare your answer to the suggested answer found in the “Answers to the exploration questions” document. Have fun! Hint: the information needed to answer these questions can be found in the videos and articles.
  1. After watching the video on introduced species and biodiversity, your friend is confused about exotic, introduced, and invasive species and asks you to explain how they are the same or different. In your own words, write a few sentences to explain the meaning of these terms:
  • exotic species
  • introduced species
  • invasive species
  1. Your friend tells you that a good way to increase biodiversity is by intentionally introducing a species to a new environment because the introduced species increases the species richness of that area by one species. Do you agree or disagree with your friend’s statement? Hint: Use the example of the comb jellies that were introduced to the Black Sea to explain how introduced species can cause a decrease in species richness in an area.
  1. In a few sentences, explain the relationship between human population growth and threats to biodiversity.

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