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Pythagorean identity review

Review the Pythagorean trigonometric identity and use it to solve problems.

What is the Pythagorean identity?

This identity is true for all real values of θ. It is a result of applying the Pythagorean theorem on the right triangle that is formed in the unit circle for each θ.
A unit circle on an x y coordinate plane where the center of the unit circle is at the origin and the circumference of the circle touches (one, zero), (zero, one), (negative one, zero), and (zero, negative one). A point located at one thirty on the circle has the coordinates (x, y). A solid line slants up from left to right connecting from the origin to the point. The length of the solid line is measured one. A dashed line travels down vertically from the point to the x-axis around seven tenths. It has a length of sine of theta. The length from the origin to where the vertical dashed line is cosine of theta. The angle measure between the solid line and the x axis is theta.
Want to learn more about the Pythagorean identity? Check out this video.

What problems can I solve with the Pythagorean identity?

Like any identity, the Pythagorean identity can be used for rewriting trigonometric expressions in equivalent, more useful, forms.
The Pythagorean theorem also allows us to convert between the sine and cosine values of an angle, without knowing the angle itself. Consider, for example, the angle θ in Quadrant IV for which sin(θ)=2425. We can use the Pythagorean identity and sin(θ) to solve for cos(θ):
The sign of cos(θ) is determined by the quadrant. θ is in Quadrant IV, so its cosine value must be positive. In conclusion, cos(θ)=725.
Problem 1
θ1 is located in Quadrant III, and cos(θ1)=35 .

Express your answer exactly.

Want to try more problems like this? Check out this exercise.

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