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Unit 5: Module 5: Circles with and without coordinates

1,500 possible mastery points

About this unit

"This module brings together the ideas of similarity and congruence and the properties of length, area, and geometric constructions studied throughout the year. It also includes the specific properties of triangles, special quadrilaterals, parallel lines and transversals, and rigid motions established and built upon throughout this mathematical story. This module's focus is on the possible geometric relationships between a pair of intersecting lines and a circle drawn on the page." Eureka Math/EngageNY (c) 2015 GreatMinds.org

Level up on the above skills and collect up to 240 Mastery points
Level up on the above skills and collect up to 560 Mastery points
Level up on the above skills and collect up to 400 Mastery points
Up next for you:

Unit test

Level up on all the skills in this unit and collect up to 1,500 Mastery points!