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Intro to data handling

The three steps of data handling are collection, organisation and interpretation of data. Let's look at what these steps are. Created by Aanand Srinivas.

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if you and your friends decide to go somewhere but you don't know where and you want to make it so that more of you are happy so you decide to ask where do you want to go and your city has only three options you can either go to a zoo or you can go to an amusement park amusement parks with with those roller coasters and other kinds of scary rides and maybe the third option is to go to a museum and so you go ask your friend one hey where do you wanna go and he says I I think I want to go to the zoo so you write that down and then you go down and then you ask the second friend whose name happens to be two and you ask them already where do they want to go and they say that who I want to go to the amusement park to the amusement park and you say okay and then you go to friend number three and then they also say amusement park they just like to copy whatever friend number two says so you write that down amusement park then you go to friend number four and then you ask them where do you want to go and then they say you know what I don't care and you don't know what to do because you had three options but no you have like somebody who says I don't care so you just write that down you say okay I don't care you always have friends who say this I don't care and then you go on and you have maybe 10 or 11 friends who just write it down for all of them now once you did this you look at this and you know that you want to decide something you want to decide where to go and maybe you want to decide that based on what most number of people like what's popular so you ask your friends these questions and you collect their answers what you've just done here is what we call collect data so you're just now collected data and what decision do you want to make you want to make a decision about where to go so you think okay is this the right way to look at this data I want to know how many people said Zoo and maybe I can look at it okay first person friend once it's ooh friends I said Zoo but actually I don't care who said so I just want to know how many people wanted to go to the zoo how many people wanted to go to the amusement park so then I decide okay maybe then I can write down zoo over here and then count the number of people who said it the number of times Zoo occurs and then I go down okay that occurs once then it occurs once more over here twice so I know that I've covered these two then I look more and there aren't any more then I decide okay I want to calculate or I want to find out how many people said amusement park so I write down amusement park and then I go and count one person said it here one more said it over here one more here and one more here so I have my amusement park over here then I go okay this museum and let me just write Museum and in this case is one person who wants to go to the museum and now we also have this new thing that I did not predict but it's there so I should count it so the number of people who said IDC which is basically a short form for I don't care and that's one and one more and maybe if for the number of people who said I don't care was the maximum then we can just go wherever we want to so when I look at it this way then I feel like this is a much easier way to take my decision I look at this you're not so easy so then I decide okay let me make it more beautiful line and maybe just draw a box around it and now it looks pretty and it's also easier to read so now what I'm doing here is taking the data that I collected the facts that I collected and organizing it so that it's easier to read and now what I can do is I can start what's called interpreting it which just basically means using it to come to some decision or look at what's going on over here so one of the with an example it'll become more clear in one of the things that I can interpret you know sounds like a serious word from this is that he most number of people want to go to an amusement park amusement park is most popular most popular or maybe I can say that are the same number of people who don't care also don't want to go to the zoo that number is is two and we can keep doing this but it all depends on what decision we want to take in this case I just want to take a decision as to where to go and that looks pretty clear the amusement park seems to be the winner over here so if I have to name this now what I did here is what we call collect data they go around asking people that's one way to collect data there are many other ways then what you do here is called organize data organize what you've just collected which is just another word for putting it all together in a way that's easy to read and how you organize data depends on what decisions you want to make in this case you wanted a decide where to go so you organize it in this table you can do it in many other ways and finally what you do here which is take some decision or find out what it means take some meaning makes a meaning out of it that's what we call interpret interpret the data so these are just names that you now know what what they stand for and throw out as you start learning more about data you start coming up with ways to organize data and everything you learn like you might learn words called pictographs pictographs which I mean very soon and then you'll also learn things called bar graphs bar graphs and maybe pie charts pie charts is a circular kind of way to visualize or organize data pie charts and many more and all of these are just ways to organize data so that you can interpret it for your purpose there so depending on your purpose and what decision you want to take you will organize your data into maybe pictographs bar graphs pie charts or however it is that you want to visualize it as long as it is useful