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Subtraction word problem: basketball

Sal solves a word problem with the term "fewer".

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In a basketball game, the Giraffes scored 13 fewer points than the Penguins. The Penguins scored, the Penguins scored 87 points. How many points did the Giraffes score? Now before we even try to do this, let's just think that based on what they told us, will the Giraffes score more points than the Penguins, or less points than the Penguins? Well, they tell us. The Giraffes scored 13 fewer points. 13 fewer, fewer points than the Penguins. So the Giraffes scored less points than the Penguins. So whatever number is here, the Giraffes, this is gonna be less than 87. Because the Penguins scored 87 points. And how much less is it? Well, it's gonna be 13 less. It's gonna be 13 fewer. So this right over here, this right over here is whatever the Penguins scored. Whatever the penguins scored, which they tell us is 87, cause they tell us the Penguins scored 87 points, it's gonna be 13 fewer than that, or 13 less than that. So it's going to be 87 minus 13 points. So let's figure out what that is. So the Penguins scored 87 points, and the Giraffes scored 13 fewer. So if we subtract 13 from the 87, that's going to give us the number of points that the Giraffes scored. So what is that going to be? Let's see, let's look at the ones place. Seven ones minus three ones is four ones. Now go to the tens place. Eight tens minus one ten is seven tens. So 13 fewer than 87 is 74 points. And the Giraffes scored 13 fewer than the Penguins, this is the Penguins, this is what the Penguins scored right over here. And the Giraffes scored 13 fewer than that, so that is going to be 74 points. And it makes sense. 74 is 13 fewer than 87.