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Represent and interpret data: FAQ

Frequently asked questions about representing and interpreting data.

What's the difference between a picture graph and a bar graph?

A picture graph uses images to represent data, while a bar graph uses bars to represent the data.

What kinds of data can I represent in a bar graph?

Almost any kind of data can be represented in a bar graph! Bar graphs are great for comparing quantities of different things.

Do I need to label my graphs?

Yes, it's important to label your graphs so that others can understand what you're trying to represent. Make sure to include a title, labels for the axes, and a key if needed.

When would I use a line plot with fractions?

Line plots with fractions are useful when you want to represent data that is in parts of a whole. For example, we might measure the lengths of different items, which would be in fractional parts.

How are these types of graphs used in the real world?

Graphs are used all the time in the real world! Companies use them to track their sales over time, scientists use them to present data from experiments, and people use them to help make decisions.

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