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Word form and expanded form

Sal shows how to write numbers from word form to expanded form. Created by Sal Khan.

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Video transcript

- [Instructor] In a previous video, we learned about expanded form, how we could write a number like 832 that has eight hundreds, three 10s, and two ones as 800 plus 30 plus two. Eight hundreds, three 10s, two ones, and we saw other examples of that. In this video, we're going to think about going from a number written in words to expanded form. So let's look at an example. Let's say I were to write the following, and I'm not even going to read it out to you, 'cause I want you to work through it on your own. So this thing that I am writing. Why don't you pause the video and see if you could write this thing in expanded form. So first, how many hundreds are we dealing with? Well, they say 700s right over here. So we could say, all right, that's going to be 700 like that. And then they say 41. Well, 41 is a combination of a certain number of 10s and a certain number of ones. 41 is the same thing as 40 plus one. So why don't we write it that way. So the 40 part, we can just write like that, plus 40, and then we have a one, plus one, and there you have it. We've written 741, written in word form. We've now rewritten it in expanded form.