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Worked example: Rounding decimals to nearest tenth

Rounding decimals to the nearest tenth can be fun. We can identify the tenths place in the given decimal, 9.564. Then we can look at the digit to the right of the tenths place to determine whether to round up or down. In this case, the answer is to round up to 9.6. Created by Sal Khan and Monterey Institute for Technology and Education.

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Round 9.564, or nine and five hundred sixty-four thousandths, to the nearest tenth. So let me write it a little bit larger, 9.564. And we need to round to the nearest tenth. So what's the tenth place? The tenths place is right here. This right here represents 5 tenths. This is the ones place, this is the tenths place, this is the hundredths place, and this is the thousandths place right here. So we need to round to the nearest tenth. So if we round up, this will be 9.6. If we round down, this will be 9.5. And just like regular rounding, when we're not dealing with decimals, you move to one spot, or you look at one place to the right or one place lower, I guess, and you say is that 5 or larger? If it is, you round up, if it isn't, you round down. 6 is definitely 5 or larger, so we want to round up. So this 9.564 becomes 9.6, or we can call this nine and six tenths. And then we're done!