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Binomial special products review

A review of the difference of squares pattern (a+b)(a-b)=a^2-b^2, as well as other common patterns encountered while multiplying binomials, such as (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2.
These types of binomial multiplication problems come up time and time again, so it's good to be familiar with some basic patterns.
The "difference of squares" pattern:
Two other patterns:

Example 1

Expand the expression.
The expression fits the difference of squares pattern:
So our answer is:
But if you don't recognize the pattern, that's okay too. Just multiply the binomials as normal. Over time, you'll learn to see the pattern.
Notice how the "middle terms" cancel.
Want another example? Check out this video.

Example 2

Expand the expression.
The expression fits this pattern:
So our answer is:
But if you don't recognize the pattern, that's okay too. Just multiply the binomials as normal. Over time, you'll learn to see the pattern.
Want another example? Check out this video.

Example 3

Expand this expression.
The expression fits the difference of squares pattern:
So our answer is:
But if you don't recognize the pattern, that's okay too. Just multiply the binomials as normal. Over time, you'll learn to see the pattern.
Notice how the "middle terms" cancel.
Want more practice? Check out this intro exercise and this slightly harder exercise.

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