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Harry goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He can travel to school and back in 3 different ways: by the Hogwarts Express, a flying car, or the Knight Bus. He's decided to choose his methods of transportation to and from Hogwarts at random this year.
Which of these tables lists all the different ways Harry can get to Hogwarts and back? (Each row represents one outcome.)
Choose all answers that apply:
Table A:
To HogwartsFrom Hogwarts
Knight BusKnight Bus
Knight BusFlying Car
Knight BusHogwarts Express
Flying CarKnight Bus
Flying CarFlying Car
Flying CarHogwarts Express
Hogwarts ExpressKnight Bus
Hogwarts ExpressFlying Car
Hogwarts ExpressHogwarts Express
Table B:
To HogwartsFrom Hogwarts
Knight BusHogwarts Express
Flying CarFlying Car
Hogwarts ExpressKnight Bus
Knight BusKnight Bus
Flying CarHogwarts Express
Hogwarts ExpressFlying Car
Knight BusFlying Car
Flying CarKnight Bus
Hogwarts ExpressHogwarts Express