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Divide whole numbers by fractions


Use the number line to answer the following 2 questions.
A number line from 0 to 5 thirds with evenly spaced tick marks in increments of 1 third. 0 and 1 are labeled below the number line. 0 thirds, 1 third, 2 thirds, 3 thirds, 4 thirds, and 5 thirds are labeled above the number line. There is a teal line on the number line that begins at 0 and ends at 1. Above the number line is a fraction model with 5 equal parts. 3 parts are shaded teal and 2 parts are white. The number of color blocks of the fraction model correspond to the length of the colored sections on the number line.
  1. How many groups of 53 are in 1?
  • Your answer should be
  • a proper fraction, like 1/2 or 6/10
  • an improper fraction, like 10/7 or 14/8
  1. Evaluate.
  • Your answer should be
  • a proper fraction, like 1/2 or 6/10
  • an improper fraction, like 10/7 or 14/8