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Distributive property review

Review the basics of the distributive property, and try some practice problems.

What is the distributive property?

The distributive property says that in a multiplication problem, when one factor is rewritten as the sum of two numbers, the product doesn't change.
Using the distributive property allows us to solve two simpler multiplication problems.
We can change 4×12 into 4×(10+2).
The 4 gets distributed to the 10 and 2 and the problem changes to:
The array of dots on the left shows (4×10). The array of dots on the right shows (4×2).
Now we can add the expressions to find the total.
Want to learn more about the distributive property? Check out this video.
Want to know why the distributive property is helpful? Check out this article.


Problem 1
The dots below represent 12×2. They are broken up into two groups.
Which expression can we use to calculate the total number of dots?
Choose 1 answer:

Want to try more problems like this? Check out this exercise.

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